karaoke intro

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you were bored out of your mind. Nothing to do , your parents out in buisness trip, your nana out in vacation and the house-keeper in maternity. You were scrolling in facebook until your iphone begun to ring . It rang  inmortals by fall out boy, knowing that your favorite american was calling you...

Hey Alfie~ you sang

Hey dudette can you come to my house? we are havving a karaioke  party and we need you here...

YAAAASSSS i'll be there , what time?

8:35 sharp

8:15 shit, see you there. with that you hung up and went to your room to shower and change.

You dressed yourself in a (f/c)    short dress style shirt, a pair of (f/c) booty shorts and (f/c) toms. Fixed your long hair in a elegant bun decored by a (f/c) bow and some pearl earings. You puttedsome eyeliner , mascara and lipgloss and out you go... You gathered your iphone 6, your keys and wallet in your (f/c) purse and when to your (f/c) mustang.

Timeskip to Alfie's mansion~

You knocked on the door at 8:33 to be recieved by a over joyed american. Hey dudette you made it... Righ i wouldn't miss it for the world.... Okay et's get in and start this party...

You guys walked inside to see everyone drinking dancing and chatting with each other. Alfred jumped on stage and Said:

okay folks it's time to start karaoke... let's begin with....

he grabed a hat with papers inside and shaked it them motioned you to take out the name....

We will start with...

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