Chapter One: Sonic

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This picture was a Bing AI created picture, but a fixed it a lot(like, A LOT) and added Sonic. Enjoy the picture and the story!

Differently colored stars gleamed in the sky. They were the only things that lit up the space island below. A willow tree stood in the middle of it, its dangling leaves hanging over its swirling roots. Its strong trunk swirled up from the ground, and it was the most enormous thing on the island. The ground that its roots clung to was hard and stone-like in most places. There were a few patches of delicate dirt where dark, gloomy green grass grew blissfully, and at the edge of the island was a small pond that reflected the gleaming stars.

I sat between two of the willow's powerful roots, staring down at my shoes. There was nothing interesting about my shoes, I was just deep in thought. However, my thoughts weren't very deep. They were the thoughts of a bored creature, and if you have ever been bored for too long of a time, you know what I'm talking about.

I was usually bored on that island. I had been there all my life and nearly nothing about it seemed interesting. Everything was the same. The stars were the same, the tree was the same, the pond was the same. However, there was one who I never got bored of.

''Hey, Sonic.''

I looked up. A fox kit was standing on one of the willow's thick, broad branches. His eyes were still cloudy with sleep, and his orange fur stuck out in all directions. His two long tails hung off the branch.

''Hey, Tails,'' I said, standing.

''Are we gonna go to the pond?'' the fox kit said.


Tails turned around and jumped onto another branch. Then he vanished into the leaves. I ran slowly among the willow's roots. Tails and I reached the pond at about the same time.

The pond, as I said before, reflected the bright stars, like always. It didn't really deserve to be called a pond, though. It was more like a large puddle, but with clear, sparkling water and pebbles at the bottom. And it did not lap one bit. It was as still as the rest of space.

There was one thing special about this supposed pond, though. The water wasn't normal water. It also served as food. You might be thinking wow, I wish I had food water so I could eat and drink at the same time. It would be a lot faster. Usually I appreciate doing things the fast way, but in this case, I do not. You see, there are also drawbacks to having food water. First of all, in order to be full, you, of course, have to fill yourself. Being full of food water is not fun because it feels the same as being full of normal water. If you have ever filled yourself with normal water, you know that this is very inconvenient. Second of all, food water tastes like normal water, and normal water tastes boring. One good thing about it is that it never runs out. The ''pond'' always stays the same size.

We knelt and drank from the pool. I drank as slow as possible. The reason why I did this was that it took a lot of focus to drink slowly, so it wasn't boring.

Tails usually did the same, but this time, he didn't. He finished before me and then just sat there for several minutes.

''Sonic?'' he finally said.

''Yes?'' I said.

''I found another sign of the mysterious creature,'' Tails said.

The mysterious creature that Tails was talking about probably did not exist. I used to think it existed too, but after a while I began to think that the mysterious footprints that we found were our own and the occasionally soft rustlings from the willow was not caused by a creature. However, I didn't tell Tails I felt this way, because when you are thinking about and looking for a mysterious creature, you are not bored.

Blue in the Land of Doom: A Sonic the Hedgehog FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon