Chapter Two: Sonic

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Again, originally this was a Bing AI picture, but I fixed it.

I felt myself being thrown around through a strange liquid. . .or was it just thick air? I couldn't tell. I could barely see, there was just pink and purple light everywhere. Suddenly I was thrown out of this strange liquid and into what felt like it might have been grass. Then I heard a large snap behind me. Before I could even think I had jumped to my feet and sprinted forward. I was only able to do so for a moment before I felt an awful, sharp pain in my ribs and fell forward, sliding on the grass. After lying there for a moment, I struggled to my feet and glanced backwards. I saw one of those space creatures vanish into the ground. I stared at the spot where it had been for several moments, confused. Why was I still alive?

I looked around. I was in an endlessly flat field. To most creatures, this would have been very depressing, but I was full of amazement. I was in a place that was not our space island! I examined the grass. It was a lighter shade of green than the grass on our space island, and it was three times as tall. A gentle breeze rustled the grass, causing it to dance and creating a soothing sound as it passed by. Then I saw the dirt. It was not hard and rock-like like the ground on our space island; it was soft and slightly wet. I bent down, took off my gloves, and ran my fingers through it. Damp dirt felt weird, but I was fascinated by it. Its pleasant stink filled the warm air along with the fresh smell of grass. 

Eventually I had to put my gloves on again and think. I was alone, but not completely. Every now and then I heard the twitter of what seemed to be some sort of creature, but other than that, there was no one there.

Then I remembered Tails. What had happened to him? Suddenly I was full of fear. Did Tails get killed? Or did he get eaten by a space creature? Hopefully he got eaten. Maybe he would come to this place with damp dirt too.

Then I wasn't sure of what I should do. On the space island, everything had basically been a routine. We'd wake up, drink water, then try to play, then drink water, then try to play, then drink water, then try to play, then go to sleep. Now that there was no water in sight and no one to play with, I did not know what to do. I was lonely and thirsty already.

I walked through the grass with unusual carefulness. For some reason, I felt like I shouldn't make it rustle, that I shouldn't disturb the grass.

I walked for a long time, but I found nothing new. The same green grass. The same damp dirt. The same mysterious twitters that seemed to come from nowhere. I stared up at the sky frustratedly. Then I finally took notice of the strangeness of it.

The sky was blue, a shade of blue I had never seen before, and it stretched from horizon to horizon. in this dazzling sky was a bright red star. It was enormous, larger than any star I'd seen, and it seemed to light up the whole world. I was amazed by this sight and stared at it for a long time. So this was what stars looked like up close! 

I leapt up, trying to grab it, but I just grabbed at air. I looked at my hand. There was not even a piece of the star in it. I looked up at the star. It hadn't even seemed to get closer when I jumped at it. I was so confused.

I tried again, and it didn't work again. Was a star just a bright space in the sky? I thought they were objects, like rocks, but rocks that twinkle. I sighed with annoyance. Why was this new place so confusing?

Again I did not know what to do. I had walked for a long while and found nothing. I kicked the dirt in annoyance. The tip of my foot sunk into it. I tried to pull it out, but it did not work. I sighed with annoyance and then cried, ''why is this place so dumb?!''

I yanked at my foot, but I didn't exactly expect it to come out. I toppled and fell on my face. At that moment, I was glad that no one was there. I lifted myself onto my hands and knees. There was wet dirt on my eyelashes and ears. I shook my head frustratedly. It didn't come off. Grunting, I stood and tried to wipe it off. That just made it worse. I got my gloves dirty, and I got dirt all over my face, including in my ears. I groaned and sat down.

Blue in the Land of Doom: A Sonic the Hedgehog FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now