Chapter Seven: Sonic

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When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see that it was just as dark as when I had my eyes closed. Then, shapes slowly came into view. The grayish bones. The tall rocks. The far ceiling and the hard floor.

I thought about sitting up, but then I reminded myself that I couldn't. My sides stung, and they would hurt even more if I tried to sit up. So I just laid there forlornly.

I thought about the creature that I had found on the path. He had been very still, and his eyes had been very sad. He had said he was dying. Was I dying now too?

That thought frightened me. If I died, then I wouldn't see Tails for a very long time. Where was Tails anyway? Hopefully he hadn't ended up in a place like this, with so much darkness and death and creatures that wanted to eat you.

I closed my eyes again. A tear slipped from my eye. I thought about the place that was above this one, where the sky was brilliant and blue and there was a single big, red star. I could easily remember how it felt to trek through the tall, green grass. With every movement I had felt something brush against me, and it had been more difficult to see something a yard in front of you than to see something far away.

I also remembered the clouds and wind. They had seemed so scary then, but now they seemed like nothing compared to this place. There was light there. There was life there. But there was no life or light here, only darkness and dead, lifeless bones.

''Wait. . .hello!''

My eyes opened and my ears pricked. That had been a voice. It seemed to echo in my mind, and I doubted it was real. It had been the voice of a young creature, maybe a little older than Tails,, and the fact that it had sounded both healthy and unevil gave me a sense of hope. I was sure it was real when another voice answered it.

''Caiagammy! What are you doing here!? I told you you couldn't go!''

This voice sounded older. I wondered what he was talking about. It sounded as if he was saying that they wanted to come here. Who would want to come here? It was so dark and cruel. Maybe they were lunatics.

I heard the younger creature's voice echo in the cave, but I couldn't tell what she was saying. Then I heard the older voice again.

''Lava dragon blood? Why is that important now? We're trying to find a spiny blue creature, not a lava dragon!''

I gasped. Were the creatures trying to find me? Maybe they could save me from this awful place, and if they did, maybe they would take me to that beautiful place with floating islands and bridges.

I heard more voices after this. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but they were speaking in very urgent voices. I still had hope in my heart. Maybe they would find me!

Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head a bit to see the shape of a vichr creeping in the dark.. It stared at me with gleaming, greedy green eyes. Then it stepped out of the dark, its eyes fixed on me and its steps light. It suddenly charged at me. I didn't react, because I couldn't. It stopped a yard away from me and stood there for several moments. Then it lifted it's head and tilted it upward, howling, ''everyone, come here to hunt!''

I shivered with fright. Did that mean that they were calling other vichres to help attack me? I knew I had been lucky the first time I was attacked. I doubted I would be lucky this time.

The vichr sat down, staring at me. I wanted to attack it so badly. I hated the way it stared at me, its eyes fixed on me as if it was daring me to move or speak. It seemed like it was taunting me with its swishing tail.

I eventually heard footsteps. The vichr heard them too and stood. A couple moments later, many vichres came thundering down the path, their tails wagging with excitement and their eyes ferociously, excitedly hungry. They leapt over a femur and thundered to join the vichr that had called them, suddenly becoming silent. Then, slowly they surrounded me, their steps strong but careful, as they stared at me with deriding eyes. They circled in closer and closer. Then, they all stopped, preparing to leapt at me.

Suddenly, somebody leapt out of nowhere. She landed in front of me and stood there defiantly. The vichres seemed just as surprised by her sudden appearance as I was and recoiled, fear showing in their eyes.

The creature looked back at me. She had a distinct appearance that set her apart from all other creatures I had seen. Her bright, shiny eyes were an amazing blue and were partly shadowed by her purple hat. Her snout was small and curved. Her wide ears pricked up through her hat. She had a slender body and long, sturdy legs. Her short arms were thin and wiry, and her gloved hands were clasping the handles of some sort of metal weapon. She was in an odd dress or some kind of weird, long shirt. The thing about her that intrigued me the most was that she was a hedgehog. Her sharp quills, small compared to mine, prickled from under her hat, and there were two holes in the back of her dress shirt thing that more quills stuck out of. And she was yellow. Maybe she was the mysterious creature. She actually looked quite adorable.

Then, a few vichres summoned their courage to leap at her. The yellow hedgehog was ready for them and batted them away with her metal weapon things. The vichres didn't seem very hurt and they soon leapt at her again.

The fight went on like this for a while. The vichres leapt at her, but the yellow hedgehog batted them away, and they never got to bite her. The ease and confidence with which she battled them was fascinating. Soon, we all heard many more pawsteps. Then, the yellow hedgehog leapt away. At first, I didn't know why, and then the bigger battle started.

Blue in the Land of Doom: A Sonic the Hedgehog FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now