Chapter Six: Tails

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We all went swooping down from the castle. Then the soft wind carried us over the floating islands. Soon we had left all of the arching bridges and brilliant buildings and were sailing over the endless clouds. Occasionally, the flyers would fly gently from side to side, dodging dancing wisps of cloud.

When we were flying, it was dim. The red star seemed to have left, and the sky was a much darker blue. Stars dotted the sky, like on the space island, but there were these big objects in the sky that looked like big balls of stone.

''What are those?'' I said, pointing at one of the weird stones.

''Oh, those are moons,'' said Thoughtful Speaker. ''They surround the planet.''

''I didn't see any when the star was still here,'' I said.

Thoughtful Speaker chuckled. ''That's what they all say. You'll see them next time it's bright.''

A while later, we had to turn to the left. We flew over the endless clouds for a while longer and then dropped down, diving through clouds for some time. Soon we left the clouds and could see the land below. For some reason, the land had a lot of white stuff on it, and the air was cold. Then the flyers swooped and flew towards a beautiful but scary sight.

There were more floating islands with buildings and bridges, and they stretched out far away. That was the beautiful part. The scary part was that under these buildings and bridges was a very deep, deep darkness.

''That's the exact place where we saw him fall,'' said the creature with pink bows, who was called Suli.

We landed on the edge of the tall cliff. I looked down it. I couldn't see anything but dark down there. I shivered at the sight.

''Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go,'' said the fire-eyed creature, who was called Fireeyes. He jumped down the cliff.

Everyone moved to jump after them. I was a little bit hesitant to follow but I didn't want to be in the cold alone and I really wanted to find Sonic, so I jumped after them. As I fell, everything slowly got darker and darker. Soon, walls seemed to be closing around me and I was falling through a wide tunnel. Then, I fell past a gigantic skeleton; something caught my eye. I caught myself.

''Wait, come back!'' I yelled down into the darkness below me.

At first, I heard and saw no sign of a response. Then, the other creatures were flying up towards me.

''Wait, Tails, I didn't know you could fly,'' said Thoughtful Speaker.

''I saw something up here,'' I said.

I flew up to the skeleton. What I had seen was a piece of pelt that was hanging from two bones. Usually I would have been scared by such a sight, especially because the bones had blood on them, but I was too focused on the thing that had pierced through the pelt. It was a blue quill. The other creatures had followed me.

''Sonic must have been here!'' I said.

''There aren't any creatures with quills that small here,'' said Suli.

''Then he probably went through one of those tunnels,'' said the water creature looking creature, who was called Tune, looking up at the tunnels that the skeleton was hanging from. She was on Spyirt, the big black bird's, back.

Suli fluttered onto the piece of pelt and sniffed the quill. Then he sniffed one of the bones that the pelt hung from.

''He went that way,'' said Suli, staring up at the tunnel that the skull was in.

''Let's go,'' said Tune.

We flew up to the skull's tunnel and landed in it. Then we walked through it. We soon reached a very enormous cave. It was very cold and was full of skeletons.

Blue in the Land of Doom: A Sonic the Hedgehog FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now