Chapter Three: Tails

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I flailed at the strange purple and pink stuff, but that did nothing. There was no way to get out of this creature. Was I still in their mouth, or was I in their belly? I don't know!

Then, suddenly, I was thrown out of this stupid pink and purple place and into this very tall grass. I looked back to see one of those scary creatures! It was just closing its mouth, and it disappeared into the ground.

So it hadn't eaten me! I was in this big, grassy place. The sky was also blue, and there was only one star in it! I leapt to my feet to get a better look at it. It was so big! Was that because it was close, or was it just big? I don't know!

Then I heard this weird whining sound in my ear. I leapt away. Why had it sounded so close, as if it had been going into my ear?

Then I saw this weird, small creature with a long, thin, light brown body, clear wings, six long, thin, creepy legs, a long, pointy muzzle, and deep, almost black eyes. It was flying towards me. I screamed and ran away from this scary thing. I was faster than it and it didn't hurt me. I looked back to make sure. It was gone.

I looked around again. There were no other creatures in this weird giant plain. Just grass, sky, star, and wet dirt. Wait, wet dirt?!

I picked up some wet dirt. It was dirty, like all dirt, but it was also wet, which was weird. The only wet on our island had been in the pond. There was no wet in dirt.

I licked the dirt. It tasted awful! I spat it out, but the taste still stayed on my tongue, and I didn't like that. I dropped the dirt and kept spitting, but the taste did not go away. Then I gave up.

I looked around. Still no other creatures! Was the only creature in this flat place a creepy, flying freak?

Then I was scared. What if this scary, flying freak came to hurt me when I couldn't see it? It could hide in the grass, and then fly at me without me seeing it! What if it bit me, or scratched me? My eyes stung at the thought of it. I hoped this creature couldn't find me. What if it was even worse than those destroying creatures?

Then I remembered that the creature hadn't been destroying the land, like the scary creatures with purple and pink light in their mouths did. Maybe it hadn't been trying to hurt me. Maybe it had been trying to be my friend.

I walked through the grass, looking for the little flying creature. I thought about calling it, but I didn't know its name! How could I call something that I didn't know the name of?

Then, I heard a sound. I looked backward. There was a big sky blue creature with white wings flying towards me. It had a scary, sharp beak, long sharp claws, and a very long, very sharp horn. I screamed and began to run away.

''Wait, I'm not trying to hurt you!''

I looked back. The creature was on the ground and was running behind me. I ran faster, thinking that the creature might be lying, but then I remembered that the scary destroying creatures hadn't told us that they weren't trying to hurt us. Maybe creatures didn't lie about if they were going to hurt someone or not. I stopped.

''Thank you,'' said the big creature.

The creature had a long, slender body covered in soft, shimmering sky blue fur that sparkled in the starlight. His eyes were a deep, luminous rose red, and his long, majestic white tail was turned into a dazzling gradient of pinks by the red star.

''What's your name, and what are you?'' said the creature.

''I'm Tails, and I'm a fox,'' I said.

''You don't look like a fox to me,'' said the creature. ''I've never seen any orange foxes around here. Actually, you don't look like any creature I've seen. Are you an alien?''

''I don't think so. Maybe I am an alien. That would be so cool, if me and Sonic were a. . .'' I stopped talking when I thought about Sonic and looked at my shoes sadly.

''Who's Sonic?'' the creature's voice was gentle.

''He's my friend. He got eaten by a scary creature and I don't know where he went.''

The creature seemed a little bit confused. ''Um. . .excuse me for asking this but. . .what do you mean you don't know where he went?''

''Well, when I got eaten by one of those scary creatures, and flew through this pink and purple place and then came here. But Sonic got eaten by a different creature and I don't know where he went.''

''Did he get eaten by the same type of creature that you got eaten by?''

''I think so. They all looked the same.''

''Well, then, he's got to be somewhere. For now, I should take you to my home.''

''But. . .I want to find Sonic!''

''I know, but. . .OK, listen. This planet is usually much colder than this. You seem to be fine in this heat, so to you this is probably normal, but on this planet, no, this is hot. The heat wave is about to end soon and there's a big blizzard coming here fast, and I don't want you to be in it. My home is above the clouds, where there are no storms and it's less cold. You should come with me.''

I gasped. ''That sounds cool!''

''Then get onto my back.''

I got onto his back, and he jumped into the air, opened his wings, and began to fly.

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