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She takes a deep breath bouncing the ball at the free throw line making sure her feet aren't on the line.

She gets into position fitting the ball between her hands. She takes one last deep breath before shooting the ball.... Swish. The whole crowd cheers as they are up by two with six seconds left in the game.

The team runs back on defense as the opposing team's point guard brings down the ball.

The point guard is able to get ahead of the defender making their way to the basket about to throw a lay up until she is fouled.

The ref blows the whistle signalling to the table before going to the end of the basket.

"Two shots." The ref said passing the ball to the point guard. She makes it, making her panic as they are now down by one.

"One shot." The referee says passing the ball to the girl.

It was as if everything was running in slow motion as the girl shoots the ball as everyone watches what is going to happen. The buzzer already signaled game over now it was just for the ball to fall in.


IM BACK DID YOU MISS ME? WELL CLEARLY NOT SINCE U GUYS ARE NEVER ACTIVE ON MY PAGE. Any way here is a teaser don't worry when the book starts ill write in much better detail. If u guys earn the chapters at all.


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