Chapter 1

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She missed it.

Immediately, Maya got the rebound and dribbled the ball out of the key and wasted time by dribbling in one spot.


They won, they really won. Loud cheers erupted as the team celebrated their win before shaking the opposing teams hand. Maya went to the scoreboard taking a picture of the win. 79-82.

"Congratulations bestie, you were bouncing and jumping as if you were Lisa Leslie." Her best friend Simone cheered.

Maya smiled at her before hugging her then looked up to see her coach walking towards her.

"Well done Anthony, you keep playing like that and who knows what these scouts have in future for you." He praised giving her a pat on her back.

"Thank coach" She said looking around to see the scouts having a conversation with each other.

Maya's love for basketball was through the roof she wanted to go into the WNBA and she knew she could do it if she put her mind to it.

Her position was a center since she was the tallest with 6,4 but she had all the abilities of a small forward.

(Small forwards are responsible for scoring points and defending.)

"Come on let's go change so we can watch the guys game." Simone said following her to the changing room.

Sometimes the guys team and the girls team had games on the same day but different times and today. Both teams had a home game which was really bringing the basketball spirit.

Maya and her team put back their casual attire on as the cheerleaders quickly made touch ups to their makeup and outfits. Maya helped Simone with the glitters on her face since she was also a cheerleader.

"You bring your A game again." Maya teased.

"Oh you know it, we haven't seen the new cheer squad yet but we will definitely show them why we are 2x winning champions." Simone said with some sass.

When everyone get ready they went to their positions with the cheerleaders sitting on bench ready for when they were needed and Maya just sitting in the crowd.

She had to admit she was excited to watch this game, this was to semi final qualifications for who moves on to the finals, Maya's team had one more team to face before the semi finals happen.

She was brought out of her thoughts when the commentator spoke up announcing the first team.

"For the away team we have all the way from Miami.... The Eagleeees.

(I am not American ok so these references hard af😂)

The opposing crowd cheered for their team as the team came out to the court warning them selves up.

"And with the home team we have the Chicago... Pantheeeers."

Maya cheered for no one in particular just her team.

The Chicago panthers came out with their game faces on, they were so serious as they knew this game meant almost everything.

Chants were yelled out in excitement specifically the name 'Malachi Stevenson.' All the girls were screaming as they saw Malachi. To the panthers he was their star player. He had the height at 6,9 with the strong athletic build with broad biceps and muscles. He was brown skin guy with long hair that was currently braid in all back styled cornrows and he had a scar on his eyebrow that gave him the slit effect ladies loved so much.

In all fairness he was an attractive guy but Maya couldn't see all the interest and that was based on his personality, sometimes the coaches would make the guys and girls train together very intensely and he would also talk down on them which triggered Maya. She was close to snapping at him but her teammates simple guided her away telling her to ignore him.

The whistle blew as the referee tossed the ball into the air and Malachi jumped knocking it to his teammates who then passed to the point guard.

The offensive team got into a 5 out position as the defensive team got into a 2-3 position. One of the panthers got an opening as the point guard passed it to him scoring a bucket with them in the lead of 2.

The crowd cheered as the cheerleaders started cheering their defense cheer when positions switched.

The eagles quickly inbounded the ball as their point guard made their way to the halfway line before passing the ball and quickly moving finding a spot. One of the panthers came immediately to defend as it a man to man defense. One of the players got open allowing the player to pass to his teammate who shot and scored a three.


It was the final quarter with the panthers ahead with 103- 100. With only 15 seconds left. The home team crowd was excited.

The Eagles had the ball making a quick pass and cut one of the players faked a hesi giving him an opportunity to shoot a 3 which he made.

The opposing crowd cheered while the home crowd groaned especially Maya. The panthers quickly inbounded charging to the basket they were almost there until their played to Hail Mary a three pointer with only five seconds left and missed as the ball came of the backboard.

Out of now where a figure jumped grabbing the small and slamming it into the basket with a windmill dunk as the buzzer went off. The crowd was shook with silence until the cheerleaders broke the silence causing everyone to cheer. Malachi had scored the game winning point. 105-103

The crowd went down congratulating the team as Maya went to Simone who was freaking out in excitement. "Girl did u see Malachi? Oh my gosh he just came out of nowhere and boosh." Simone said in shock.

Maya laughed " Yeah I saw,  I was scared they was going to go into overtime." Maya said in relief.
She had to admit the way he was playing today shooting 3's crazy dunks and normal shots was really impressive.

Both coaches called the panther team together. Maya excused her self from Simone and went to the coaches.

"Alright team, both teams ended up on a positive note so from now on until the girls semi final we are training all together." Coach Warren said.

Everyone seemed to be okay with it until someone kissed their teeth before stating their opinion.
"Man, coach why don't we just focus on ourselves we literally going to the finals." Malachi groaned.

"Because Malachi, we believe you guys could teach each other something skill passed based and tactical." Coach Gisele said.

"Man these girls can't teach us nothing." Malachi said smacking his teeth.

This is when Maya gave him the death stare all positives things she thought about him was deleted from her head.

"You talk so much shit as if you are better than everybody." Maya said in a pissed of tone.

Eyes were on her as Malachi glared at her. "Oh please, you guys play the baby version of basketball." He stated.

"Oh really?" Maya challenged.

"Hey! Rather than us arguing let's celebrate the win and discuss this tomorrow at practice." Coach Gisele said even tho she was offended at Malachi comment.

This time they all dispersed going to celebrate their own ways.


Hello guys please bare with me, this is the first chapter and I honestly don't know my plot for this book and I'm not planning to have schedule when ever I post is when ever I post. Thank you all take care.

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