Tell me about yourself

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What does he want from me? The last time I trusted a guy...Nate happened, I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't go. But what if he's a good guy, then I'll just blow all my chances and hurt him.

What am I even thinking, I don't even know what he wants yet.

I'll show up, but I'll keep my guard up till I what he wants.

I don't have any classes till lunch so I fix my hair a little and I go straight to the library.

I see Jordan on a seat across from me.

Wow. He is cute. Like literally K-pop and puppies cute. Too cute.

He looks so innocent.

I've never really seen his face close-up, but I take in all his features. The way his fluffy brown hair falls over his forehead, almost covering his sleepy hazel eyes. His fair skin looks so pale. His full lips hold a small smile when he sees me. He looks like some collectible doll.

I play with my knuckle rings as I approach him



"That's me"

For a while, he just stares at me like he's in a trance and I suddenly feel self-aware.

"I'm sorry for staring. I like your hair"

I blush.

"Thanks, I like yours too"

There's an awkward silence for about ten seconds.

"Yeah, so. Um, why I texted? I..."
He drags his I for a while. Weird.

"I need help in biology" he blurts.

"Oh" I blink, the words not registering at first.

"Yeah, and I was thinking you could tutor me. Not for free though, I wouldn't want to waste your time for nothing, it's not nothing though I mean we're talking about grades here..." He suddenly starts talking non-stop

"Fine" I cut him.

"What?" He says confused.

"I said, fine" I shrug

"Oh, wow. Um, okay. So when do we start?" He gives me a questioning look.

I think about it. I'm usually free on Tuesday evenings and Saturdays because I don't have to deal with my mum. And I prefer being at my house so I can feel safer.

"My place. Tuesdays after school and Saturdays" I answer after thinking for a while.

"Oh. Thank you. How can I repay you?" He asks.

There's no way he can, I think. But if he's around, I think Nate will start showing up less.

"Don't mention it. Like you can pay me by not mentioning it."

He chuckles. Even his laugh sounds so cute.

"Let's have lunch together, my treat... you know as payment"

I'm not hungry and I already have lunch packed but I agree. I haven't eaten since earlier the day before and I don't want to pass out.

I sit and we chat for a while about random things like the show stranger things.

I finally found someone who appreciates the show as much as I do.

The bell for lunch rings and we head out into the cafeteria.

I grab an apple and a juice box only and Jordan looks surprised but he doesn't question me. He pays for our food and I walk towards my and Darren's usual table.

Darren raises an eyebrow at me when he sees Jordan and I shrug.

"Jordan this is Darren, my best friend"

Jordan greets him and they do the weird bro handshake thing, I just roll my eyes as I set my tray on the table and take my seat.

Darren passes two sandwiches wrapped in plastic on my tray, and I try to decline and he gives me his 'Don't you dare look'. I don't push it because Jordan is here.

"So, tell me about yourself Jordan, what are your plans for the future?", I inwardly cringe at Darren. Way to go all mom mode on me. I know he's just looking out for me after Nate but it gets annoying.

Jordan's eyes widen for a second, then he smiles and they both start laughing like crazy

"I thought you were going to interrogate me for a second" he chuckled

"Nah that's a little intense, even for me" Darren eyes me playfully.

I sigh. These guys will get along fine.

From the corner of my eye, I spot Nate sitting at a table with every school's definition of the popular table, filled with jocks, girls that wore next to nothing and whatnot.
I remember being part of that table; Nate holding my hand and whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

Oh, what a stupid girl I was.

Suddenly Nate turns his head and we lock eyes.

"...right tams?" I snap my attention back to the table and nod my head, even though I don't know what they were talking about.

"See I told you she wasn't listening," Darren says to Jordan nodding his head toward me
"You just conformed to being a douchebag" Darren smirks and I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I just got distracted," I say and Darren gives me a knowing look and I swear I hear him mumble 'never learns' under his breath. I glare at him and Jordan just looks confused.

"Okay well, we were just talking about how I have tickets to the Tick-McFare next week Saturday".
My eyes widen immediately

"Oh Darr, that's so cool" I squeal like a little girl.

I don't usually get excited easily but Tick-McFare is this cool fun fare my dad used to take me to as a kid. It only opens once a year and they always go all out with their time travel theme. Being there is like being in some kind of Back to the Future set. They have cool time machine rides, a spaceship, and Victorian-themed actresses that put on a play. Snacks from both the past and what they assume snack is supposed to be like in the future. I don't know how metal-colored cakes came to mind but they're my favorite.

Darren waves the tickets in front of me and I reach for them but he draws his hand back.

"Ah ah ah" he shakes his head.
"Not going to be that easy" he winks at me and I roll my eyes.

I groan, "Fine, fine, what do you want?"

He gives me a devilish grin and Jordan raises an eyebrow.

It's Always The Quiet Ones Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora