I like weird kids

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"Nate, you're the sweetest," I gush as I notice the glazed donuts he drops in front of me; they're from one of my favorite places downtown.

Sitting down, he places a peck on my cheek, and I grin widely.

I interlock our fingers and nudge him a little.

Coherent chatter scatters around the table, and I'm not the least interested in any of them.

Sometimes I wonder how me and Nate are together when our social groups are so different.

I begin to play with my fingers, catching little bits of the conversations.

Turn out? There's a party this weekend, one of Nate's friends got cheated on by his girlfriend and someone got caught dealing weed.

So nothing out of the ordinary.

I try to pick up more gist when my phone buzzes.

I got a text.

Darren: Tami!!

Tammy: what?!!

Darren: I need your help!!

Tammy: with?!

Darren: To get me out of a conversation with Whitney. I keep trying to get her to back up but she doesn't get the message.

Tammy: jeez, that girl does not give up.
I'm omw.

Darren: hurry!!

I slightly chuckle at Darren's dramatic plea

Nate clears his throat, grabbing my attention.

"Tams, I'm just trying to have lunch with my girlfriend but you're always on your phone,"
He points out, his jaw set.

"uh, I'm sorry babe. Darr needs my help real quick" I explain getting on my feet.

"oh-", he raises his eyebrows, "you're leaving?" he says more like a statement than a question.

"I'll be quick, don't worry ", I assure him.

He doesn't reply and I can see a muscle in his cheek twitch.

I give him a quick peck and grab my things, scurrying out of the cafeteria.


I chuckle loudly earning a few looks from other students.

"It's not funny" Darren croaks a pout set on his lips.

Whitney was awfully smitten by Darren. She kept on prolonging the conversation and even tried suggesting visiting him

"Seriously, how many nonchalant 'wow's, 'for real's, and 'you don't says' can you hear before you get the hint," he says his lips drawn back in a snare.

"Why don't you just straight up tell her you don't enjoy her company so much?" I ask and Darren looks at me like I'm stupid. "-What?"

"I can't do that! That'll be like super awkward or something"

"Well being truthful is the only way out, there's nothing else you could do"

A familiar look appears on Darren's face and from experience it's either he's high or he got a really dumb idea. I have a strong feeling it's the latter.

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⏰ Last updated: 19 hours ago ⏰

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