Strawberry unicorn shart

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The weekend passes by like a flash and I can't help but feel cheated

Like come on, five days of school and only two days to rest?

Seems like a scam deal to me.

I'm in my second class and surprisingly, I understand what the teacher is explaining.

Well, biology has always been interesting to me.

The bell soon rings and I wait for the class to clear out before I stand up.

I'm in no rush at all today, so I decide to do something productive.

I walk up to my teacher who's at her desk sorting through some papers and call her.

"Um, Miss. Elaine?" 

"Yes, Tammy?" she glances at me from above her glasses.

"I was wondering if there was anything I could do for extra credit," I say as I fiddle with the straps of my backpack.

"Well, there's nothing right now, and Carter? Extra credit?? You might as well start teaching with the amount you already have" she chuckles.

"Oh okay, thanks"

I give her a small smile before leaving.

I'm quite good at biology,  it's my favorite subject. I guess that's why people often want me to tutor them.

I have gym next, so I head into the girls' locker room and grab my gym clothes.


They smell musky. I really should remember to take them to the dry cleaners.

After I'm changed I spray on so much body spray, you can taste it.

At least now it smells like a strawberry unicorn sharted on me instead of musk.

I run out into the tracks and everyone is still getting warmed up.

A whistle blows and our coach, a middle-aged man with blonde hair and way too much spray tan comes out in front of us

"Okay today, we're going to be doing a few laps before we get started" the coach calls out.

A few groans along with mine can be heard.

The coach blows his whistle for us to start and all I can think about is sticking it up his a-

"Hey, Tammy" Sandra, one of my friends calls out.

"Sandra, Long time," I say as we both start on the tracks.

"Yeah, you haven't been of many words since... well for a while," I notice how she chews her lip as she says that.

I knew what she was going to say. Since Nate.

That boy did mess me up, didn't he?

"Yeah, was going through some stuff"  I give her a once-over and noticed she cut her black straight hair shorter.

"You know if you need someone, I'm here for you?" She says her narrow dark eyes peering at me.

I give her a small smile and continue on the tracks.

I hate the pity I saw in her eyes like I'm a little lost puppy.

I increase my speed a little so I don't have to continue on that awkward conversation.

We do three laps and I feel like collapsing on the tracks.

Sports are not my type of thing.

I rest at the side a little to drink some water.

"Oh tams" literally the last person I want to speak to shows up beside me, invading my space when he sits too close than I can tolerate.

"You never did like sports, hunh? You're way too fragile for this kinda thing"

"What do you want Nate? Are you following me?" I say finally looking at him. I don't even bother hiding the irritation on my face.

He chuckles which irritates me even more.

"You know I do have your schedule so it's gonna be very hard to avoid me"

"What do you want?" I roll my eyes

"Just give me a chance Tammy, I love you," he says reaching for my hand.

"Well that sounds more like a you problem" I pull my hand back, rubbing it against my side as if he'd been infected with some virus.

"How about we try this again ...-" The tone of his voice changes quickly; you can hear the coldness lining his words. "- go out with me, Tonight, and maybe I might consider forgetting what Summer Brooke High's oh-so-innocent Tamilore Carter did"

"What're you talking about?" I groan, annoyed.
I'm too tired to have to deal with whatever manipulative stunt Nate was trying to pull now.

"Stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about"

I give him an irritated and confused look showing clearly I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Fine then" he stands up and dusts himself off. "Have fun while it lasts Tammy"

What a weirdo. What'd I even see in that guy anyway?

I stand up from where I'm sitting on the ground and join in with the others on their last lap.


"-haha, he puked all over Mr. Dickwad, oh sorry, Rickard" 

We all laugh as Darren tells us about his history class. I'm having dinner with Darren and his dad and having a really good time.

I brought in some homemade pie that Darren had almost finished.

This guy literally inhales food.

Darren's dad, Robert is the sweetest guy ever.

He is also like some type of super chef and owns this local restaurant.

I'm not a fan of food, but he is to die for.

We used to go fishing with him when we were younger and I would have a great time chasing Darren with worms.... well that was until Darren's mum got sick.

Her loss affected everyone.

It kind of affected Robert the most, he became a man of little words.

Robert begins telling us stories about some Karen's at his restaurant and I feel my phone buzz.

I try to ignore it but it buzzes repeatedly.

I pull it out and see several texts from Nate and when I open them, I'm shocked


How did he get this??

Nate has tried multiple times to ruin my life, but I think this-

-this crosses the line.


Hi guys :)

Any guesses on what Nate might be planning? Leave a comment.

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Xoxo Ife❤️

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