I don't Speak German When I'm Full

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Trigger warning; abuse

Third person pov

Tammy felt her throat constrict as she stared down at her phone, her fingers fiddling with the corner of the pouch.

A million questions ran through her head at the same time, and she could feel the beginning of a headache coming on.

"You feeling okay?" Darren's dad asked, noticing the drain of color from her face.

"No, I actually, um, I think I'd better be heading home"

She felt guilt for being dishonest but it wasn't exactly a lie. She did feel sick to the stomach and felt like throwing up from all the emotions running through her.

She felt sadness, desperation, disappointment; in herself for trusting Nate, helplessness, and anger. She was angry.

Angry at herself for what she was about to do.

**** **** **** ****

"I can't believe we're going out again, just like the old times" Nate smiled putting his hand high enough on her thigh to make her feel uncomfortable.

Hell, even being in his car alone with him right now made her nauseous.

She tried not to squirm under his touch, so he wouldn't get upset.

Her mind was blank, every logic in her brain screamed for her to run away but she remained frozen in her seat. There was nothing she could do now, she couldn't run away.

The logical side of her brain won. She reached slowly and unnoticeably for the door handle-the metal cold against her fingers- and mustered all the courage in her to pull.

As she was about to, she felt Nate's hand tighten on her thigh, "I wouldn't do that if I were you", Tammy froze like a deer in front of headlights, afraid. Preparing herself for what was coming.

She looked at his hands one on the steering wheel, the other, she felt leave her lap, reaching into the small compartment beside him.

"I love you Tammy, but you keep on trying to get away from me," he said calmly, his hand inching out of the compartment with a metal object she recognized too well.

She cried out in pain as she felt the skin on her lap burn, from the lighter in Nate's hands.

"Now, now, hush dear. Don't act like this is my fault, you were being a bad girl"

Tammy let out a muffled whimper and bit down on the fabric of her sleeves.

She hadn't noticed that they were now parked in front of the dreaded place she recognized as his house.

"Now let me help you with the pain," he said never breaking eye contact as he lowered his head down to her lap.

He pushed up the edge of her skirt revealing the older burns resembling the one now on her lap.
He ran his tongue over the burn making Tammy let out a whimper, rubbing away the seemingly endless river of tears that rolled down her cheek.

She felt helpless and disgusting.

He came back up, pleasure in his eyes and he crashed his lips on hers.

She was unresponsive trying hard to space out and ignore the assault being done to her, but Nate, impatient, pressed down on her burn making her open her mouth in a whimper so he could gain entrance.

"Hmm, Nate... Nate we better get something to eat" Tammy spoke trying to distract him enough to stop.

There was no running from him now; he would catch up and hurt her even more, she might as well buy herself some time.

She tried again, desperate " Nate, I'm hungry"

"So am I", he said his hand sliding dangerously up her thigh.

"I wouldn't be very happy if I was hungry, and you love me right?"

He hummed dissatisfied and got out of the car slamming the door after.

She was happy to be away from his presence, but that ended when he opened the door beside her and pulled her from her seat, guiding her to his front door.

**** **** **** **** **** ****

Jordan sat at the study desk in his room, except it wasn't exactly a study desk, as it was scattered with half-filled tubes of acrylic and oil paints, unwashed brushes, and hasty sketches on rumpled papers.

It was polka-dotted messily with permanent paint stains that would probably have the maker of the furniture want to bash his head against the wall.

Canvas's of unfinished artwork lay across his room, some on the floor against the walls, covered from the world by tarpaulin and the others left by his open windows to dry.

He bounced his leg anxiously, staring down at his phone; the name of the girl he was supposed to spend his afternoon with the next day staring back at him.

They hadn't talked about their plans since the day they agreed on it and he wasn't sure if it was exactly smart to just show up at her doorstep.

He had already deleted two drafted messages; one was too wordy and the other too formal.

After mustering all the courage in him he finally sent a message.

Jordan; Hu

He internally facepalmed himself.

Of course, he'd mess up something as simple as sending a text message that says 'hi'

He contemplated deleting this, but he could already see the bubbles at the bottom of his screen dancing.

Tammy: Hu back to you

Jordan: yeah, it's German for what's up...

Tammy: oh really? What other German words do you know?

Jordan: I would tell you, but I just ate. I don't speak German when I'm full🤷

Tammy: oh I see..then I'd have to make you speak some before lunch then.

Jordan: I doubt you'd catch me then, but okay. Btw are we still on for tomorrow?

Tammy: yeah, I'd text you my address later.

Jordan caught himself smiling at his phone.

Talking to Tammy wasn't as hard as he thought after all


First part was a little serious hunh?...
Don't worry we'll see a whole lot more of Jordan in the next chapter:)

5 votes for the next chapter

Xoxo Ife❤️

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