Enough food to feed the five thousand

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When I wake up I have a banging headache but that's the least of my problems because I don't know where the hell I am.

I shuffle up quickly from the strange comfortable bed and soon realize that's a bad idea when I start feeling dizzy.

I stumble across the strange dark room and pull open the curtains to try and figure out where I am.

The sunlight illuminates the dark elegant room and I see the short dark dress I'm in.

The memories from yesterday start crashing in like a wave.

I remember following Erine out of the party and feeling very nervous but thrilled at the same time.

She has a foreboding but charismatic personality that is hard to say no to.

I remember her driving me up to this strange theater that we snuck into, and us grabbing some crazy clothes from the many racks, explaining the dress I'm in.

She took a more revealing red dress that showed some chest and I took a black short one that was low at the back.

I remember us being caught and her hilarious attempt at flirting with the security guard, obviously that didn't work and we ended up running for our lives and making it back to the car.

She then drives us to this club and I remind her we're not eighteen but somehow she knows the bouncer and she charms our way in.

She was wild.

She ended up very drunk and of course, I had drunk some stuff too so I was tipsy and there was no way we could drive home.

The bouncer from earlier then offers to drop us home and somehow I accept.

Am I crazy??!

Now I don't know where the hell I am.

I look for something I could defend myself with in case I'm somewhere unsafe. I find a baseball bat in a closet and open the room door.

It leads to an enormous corridor and I try to go down the elegant stairs as quietly as possible, bat in hand.

"Are you trying to rob us?"

I turn around slowly and I come face to face with a guy with brown hair.

He seemed to have come out from one of the many rooms.

He looks a little bit older than me, maybe 19 and I swear I can recognize him.

I look around panicked and catch a glimpse of a family portrait.

Soon it clicks, he has Erine's eyes.

This is her home and he's probably her brother.

I laugh awkwardly and drop the bat kicking it to the side.

"Hi," I say awkwardly.

"Hey" he answers back and his eyes travel down for a second and quickly come back up.

I suddenly remember the short gown I'm wearing and attempt to pull it down a little. Erine walks in from where I'm guessing is the kitchen, coffee in hand, pajamas on, and her hair in a mess.

"Oh hey Tams, I see you've met my brother," she says taking a sip from the warm brew.

"Mhmm" I nod.

"and I'll be on my way now" I give her an awkward smile and try to walk away as fast as I can but a beautiful blonde woman in her forties walks in.

"Oh, you must be Catherine's guest," she says and I can hear a hint of an English accent.

"Yeah, I'm Tammy. Nice to meet you ma'am" I smile at her.

"Oh call me Ruby, ma'am makes me sound old" she laughs and I tighten my lips in a straight line.

"Would you be joining us for breakfast?" she asks sweetly.

"Oh I wouldn't mean to intrude and I'm not properly dressed, I should be on my way" I start

"Nonsense, there's enough food to feed the five thousand and you can just freshen up in the guest bathroom. I'm sure Catherine has a few clothes to spare"

Erine nods her head so fast I'm afraid it'll fall off.

I don't want to come off as rude so I accept her offer.

I walk back up the stairs and Erine shepherds me back into the room I woke up in, which now I'm assuming is the guest room.

I walk into the bathroom, and I have to say, I'm impressed.

Erine's home looks like her parents are well-off.

I take a shower and by the time I'm done, I see some clothes neatly laid out on the bed.

There's a burgundy corset top with long baggy sleeves and some dark baggy jeans. It's not exactly my style but I put it on.

I run my hand through my wavy hair and step out of the room.

Downstairs there's a whole feast laid out on the dining table in the kitchen.

She wasn't kidding with the food for five thousand joke-

Ruby quickly gestures for me to join them, and I grab a mug and pour in some coffee.

Erine passes me my phone and there are a few missed calls from Aunty Amina and a text from Darren.

Shoot. I forgot to tell him I was leaving the party, he must have been looking for me everywhere

"Wouldn't you have some breakfast?"

Erine asks, peering at me with her big grey eyes.

I don't eat breakfast.

I don't want to raise suspicion so I reach out and grab a toast and some bacon and put it on the plate laid out in front of me.

I try to play around with the food so it'll look like I'm eating, and nobody notices. Well except the look Erine's brother, Liam gives me at some point like he could see right through me.

I shifted in my seat.

Liam wasn't exactly hard to look at.

He had dark brown medium-length hair and grey eyes, with the faint outline of a mustache on his upper lip.

His chiseled jaws were clenched when he saw what I was trying to do but the look was there for only a second.

It was there then poof, gone.

Ruby tries to make conversation and the only person that seems to be interested is Erine, and I give in a few words here and there but Liam is quiet, his eyes focused on his food.

We finish eating and I help Erine pack the dishes into the dishwasher.

After texting Aunty Amina that I am okay, Ruby offers for Erine to take me home but she complains she has a headache

"Oh, I wonder why....." I throw a look at Erine and she blushes and clears her throat before excusing herself.

"Okay, then Liam will take you" Ruby offers again.

"You're too kind, I can order an Uber"

"Oh, don't worry dear. I'm sure he'll be glad to, right Liam?"

"Hmm?" He glances up from his phone, totally missing the part where his mom is making him take me home.

............ .. ............ .. ............ .. ...............

New character alert!!

I know we haven't seen a lot from Jordan but what do we think about Liam ;)?

XOXO Ife♥️

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