~Chapter 4-Feelings?~

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~A/n this chapter is set 2 months later after Y/n has Joined. ~

  I was just sitting there talking to Zig as I felt this warm feeling in my heart. I know dam well it was not heart burn. I have known him since of course when I first got here so around 2 months ago. I don't wanna say this, but I think I am catching feelings for him, He always stands up for me if I am not in the mood to fight or yell back. He makes sure I eat because yea, He calls me pretty and all that crap he helps me through my pain when I am down and stuff. I quickly got snapped back into the real world when I heard his voice and his hand move Infront of my face. "Y/n? Earth to girl!" Zig said waving his hand Infront of my face. "Huh?" I said blinking looking around, "its dinner time come on" Zig said holding his hand out for me to grab, of course I grabbed it, "Thanks" I said walking out of the tent as he followed behind me. Before I walked into the dinner room thing it was like a cloud came behind giving me shade in front of me, I looked up and it was Zigzag right behind me.  I stiffened up a little As I looked back at the ground and started walking forward again, I could feel my face start to get heated up he was like a tower when he stood behind me.  When I got my food, I sat next to him of course I really did not feel like eating today because I felt like I was gaining some weight over the two months, I started a camp green lake. So, I just pushed my tray lightly away from me after about 5 minutes X-Ray started talking to me. "Snappy you going to eat your bread or can I, have it?" I laughed lightly throwing the bread on his tray making him smile. "Have it I don't want it." I said taking a sip of my water. I saw in the corner of my eye Zig look at me and back at my tray and back at me with a look of concern on his face. I felt my leg start to shake like crazy I guess Zigzag felt my leg start to shake since our legs were touching since the table was small and I was so close to him. I felt his hand rest on my mid-thigh area as my leg started to stop shaking so much. My fingers started to drum on the table as I waited for the dinner bell to go off so we could go to our tents for the night. 

       ~Zigzag's Pov~ 

I have been talking to Y/n since we finished digging a long time ago, we were talking about her parents and stuff and my family life. I don't have a good family life my mom is a bad drunk same with my father.  I have never told someone about my family life like ever, but I don't know why but I feel safe talking to Y/n she makes me happy and brings out the best of me. We are always together our holes are always right next to each other we sit next to each other in lunch and dinner our beds are across from each other etc. Y/n makes me feel warm inside like my heart gets all warm and shit. I can't like her I just can't, my thoughts were cut short by the dinner bell loud I looked to my left y/n was out of it she was just staring straight ahead. Is she dead? I waved my hand in front of her face For a few seconds. "Hello? Earth to girl!" I said waving my hand in front of her. "Huh?" She said looking up at me, "Its dinner time come on." I say putting my hand out for her, "Thanks." She says walking out she slows down getting to the doors to the dinner room letting people go in front of us. I stood right behind her as she stiffened up looking up at me, I laughed as she slowly put her head down and started walking again. We both got our food and got to the table. after about 5 minutes of talking to the table I saw y/n lightly push her tray of untouched food in front of her, "Snappy you going to eat your bread or can I, have it?" X-Ray said to y/n. She laughed lightly throwing the bread into his tray making him smile. "Have it I don't want it." She said taking a drink of her water, I look at her back at her tray then her one more time I know I had a look of concern on my face because I was concerned about her, she has been acting weird lately. She does not eat a lot anymore she only drinks water, a lot of water.  I felt something start to shake my leg like crazy, I looked down and Y/n's leg was shaking pretty badly, as her fingers started to drum on the table as she looked around not making eye contact with me. I thought for a minute then I put my hand on her mid-thigh area hoping it would calm her down a little. Her leg started to slowing stop shaking so badly, it was about 20 minutes till the bell want off for us to go to our tents. 

(A/n- ⚠️ there will be sexual assault in this half. ⚠️)

Mom was walking around looking at all the tables but slowed down as he got to our table. My eyes followed him like a loin watching pray he slowed down even more walking by Y/n and me. I felt Y/n's leg start to shake even more faster than before. Her hands drumming even faster than before the boys noticed this quickly as Y/n's eyes shot from the table to her tray to her leg to her hand the door the clock everywhere but behind her. I quickly grabbed in hand as she interlocked our fingers as Mom walked behind her, he tried to push himself against her back up she quickly moved forward as he started walking away. We have never seen her let that she always sticks up for herself, the boys at the table just stared at Mom with disgust on our faces. I suddenly felt my hand drop as Y/n got up and pushed her tray in the middle of the table with anger in the push and stormed out of there. We just looked at each other as we saw Mom walk out after Y/n I shot up and walked out to see where they want the D-tent followed behind me as we got up to the tent and heard voices. "Get your hands off my me you creep!" Y/n's voice, "Shhh!" I heard but it was quiet. Armpit and I ran in their because we were in front to see Y/n head pushed into my pillow with Mr. Pendanski's hand covering her mouth, With his hand on her chest area.

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