1 • New Life

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"What about your charger?"

"Yeah, it's in my bag"

"And power bank?"

"I have it with me dad. I will be fine. Trust me."

"Ofcourse I know you will be fine on your own. I was just been extra careful. I want to make sure your phone haven't run out of power by the time I will be calling you"

"I know, don't worry."

Dad sigh as he turns towards the entrance of my new school. Highschool.

I also stares at the school building with mixed feeling, this is my first day at the school and I will be joining them when the school resumed about a month earlier. I wondered what the students will say.

"You will be fine." I heard dad's voice as I turned to him. He probably noticed my nervousness.

"You probably won't be the only Asian in your."

What a brilliant way to cheer me up dad.

I groaned as I picked up my school bag, wanting to get out of the car.


I stopped as I turned to my dad.


"I am really sorry son."

"...." For?

"I know I haven't really been the best ever father to you. I was never always at home to take care of you and now I had to make you relocate about a thousand miles away from your childhood and friends."

Dad looks towards me as he continues. "But I am ready to be the best dad for you now. I really want to fill all the voids between us."

I smiled. Yes, he has work to go to and all, but when he is not doing that, he is always with me and all. Never failed to observed his parental duty. He is probably apologizing because we had to leave The Philippines so soon. But only if he knew he did me a great favor.

"I am fine dad. I know your work is important."

"No, you are the most important son." Dad replied as he spread his arms to hugs me, I slowly lean into the hug while he ruffles my hair gently. "You are my first and only priority. I want you to know that."

Yeah he can be a clingy father too.

I heard him sniffs as I moved away from him looking right at his face.

"You are crying?"

"No, I wasn't." He turned away from me making me to chuckles.

I totally understood my dad though. We just relocated here from The Philippines. My dad got promoted and got transferred here, California.

He is really happy about the move because he loves his job, and so am I. I really am happy for him. But not only him. For myself also.

It's like I got a lottery ticket to escape from hell. My country had been hell to me over three year now. Not the country that is hell but the people I used to call my friends who changed all of the sudden after I came out.

Yeah, I am gay.

I didn't even tell my dad, I decided to confined in my bestfriend because we've been friends since we were young. I actually thought he would understand me but I actually was wrong.

It's really surprising how people can change so much in a twinkle of an eye just by the snap of the finger.

One minute we were all having fun at my fifteenth birthday he had organized for me, the second minutes I was all alone in my hostel, drowning in my tears with my birthday cake all shattered on the floor.

It was really the worst birthday year for me.

I really wish I could give everyone a very important advice. And that's is. Never come out to your friends on your birthday. Because you never knew how they will react to it. And it might turned more worse than you ever imagine.

My bestfriend of ten years turn to out to be my worst enemy overnight. I don't know how he did it but the whole school already know about my sexuality the next day I got to school.

And attending an all boys catholic highschool doesn't help the situation at all. Two years of being bullied by someone I called my bestfriend and the school badboys is really the worst for me. They all really seems to be catching their fun just by seeing me getting humiliated in front of the whole students.

I have to endure all the frequent depressing and bad slur thrown at me in the hallway. The everyday bad word written on my desk. The rotten eggs that decorated my head and face sometimes in the cafeteria. I had to endure it all.

Two years of been bullied and all alone.

Two years of going through depression and self healing, with no one to talk to.

I and my dad were close but not really closed for me to tell him this. He is always away for work and barely stays at home that I grow up used to been with my friends who all later deserted me. I really don't want to know how he will react if he finds out his only son had being bullied all along, I am glad he never finds that out.

I was really glad and happy when dad told me we are relocating overseas and I still am. I finally see hope for me.

It was like I was given a chance to start all over again. Given the privilege to go back in time and do the right thing by actually keeping my sexuality to myself from the start.

And that is definitely what I am going to do. I really don't want to go through all what happened in The Philippines again.

And for that not to happen I guess I just have to seclude myself from everyone, no party, no friends, and definitely staying far away from the popular guys in school which might get you into been known and famous real quickly.

And yeah, definitely not the bad boys type. A huge red flag on them.

"Do you want me to pick you up after your class today?" My dad voice brought me out of my depressing thoughts as I looked up at him.

"No, I think I will just order a cab. I want to get used to the environment."

"And we can do that together also. I am new here too anyway." Dad replied.

"Dad, you have work to do. Don't forget the reason you are here in the first place. Unless you want to get fired and gets deported back to our country for slacking off work"

And that is definitely the last thing I prayed for, it is like shoving me back to hell and not only that, been chained down so I won't escape from it.

My dad sigh as he sat well. "Fine! If you say so. Make sure you call me though."

"I will" I replied as I carried my bag in action to gets out of the car.

"I love you son."

I stopped as I turned back to my dad with a smile. "Love you too dad."

Dad gives a short nod as I gets out of the car.

"I will call you if you don't!"

That was dad last sentence to me as I watched him drives away.

Taking a deep breath, I turn towards the school, setting my glasses well up the bridge of my nose as I starts walking into the school with a thought.

Welcome to your new life Julian.

⋆。゚☁︎ ゚☾ ゚。⋆

Author's Note.

Let me know what you think about this episode in the comments session. And please don't forget to comment, votes on the story and add to your reading list to get notified a new chapter is updated. Thanks.

Valerie xx

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