7 • Scared

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Bad Girlfriend blasts from the car stereo, I groaned turning it off, the song seems to be making the pain in my head intensify. I could feel my brain banging against my skull. I winced closing my eyes as I rested my head against the car window.

"Please warn me not to drink like that again" I mumbled under my breaths.

Tristan chuckles probably giving me a glance at my wrecked self but I can't confirm that since my eyes was closed. "No one forced you though, you willingly bought those drinks with your own money and decided to drink yourself to stupor like no man's business."

We are on our way to school. I would have loved to skip school today and just drown in my pain while trying to force myself to sleep if he haven't insisted I come to school because I had missed classes so much in the past and Axel will be sad if I skip class again.

He knew I couldn't bear to see my brother disappointed in me again and he had decided to use him against, and well, yeah it worked.

"Your head really hurt this much yet you refused to take the advil Amber gave you earlier? You are not helping the situation at all."

"I hates drugs" I protest as I opened my eyes when I felt Tristan making a turn to realised he is entering the school compound already.

I really am not ready for any activities today but I know it's too late to go back home now.

I look out of the car window at the sea of students making their way into the school some standing or sitting in pairs talking about whatever they had found interesting the previous day that is worth the gist with their friends.

Their chuckles and laughter annoys me, makes my head hurts even more.

What a bunch of lousy teenagers.

I found myself laughed at my thoughts, calling them lousy teenagers when I am one myself? I can't believe I just made myself feel much older than them. Not like I am surprised about thinking this way though. My mind is long detached from school, the feeling of not belonging here engulfed me anytime I step into this environment.

Nothing here I found enticing enough to keep me wanting to come here anymore. The zeal for me to study is long gone.

Or so I thought?

As Tristan drive into the school car park, I saw him, again, with my brother and his friend, smiling at whatever they were discussing about.

His white skin shine so bright it reflects against the sun, yet I feel his smile brighten the day more than the morning sun itself. I wondered how one can smile that bright, it's felt so real to be true, I find the smile forced. His bangs coming over his right eyes he kept pushing it back behind his ears as he listens to whatever his company is talking about.

I found myself looking away when he smiles again, even though he won't see me from the angle the car was parked at, I felt self-conscious of the situation, I wondered why I find myself curious about every single little details about him especially with the fact that this is my second day of seeing him.

That brings me to the thought of what had happened the previous day, I couldn't forget the way he had looked at me with so much fear when he set his eyes on me, it was filled with so much fear and terror, it makes me wondered what he saw in me that scares the hell out of him that much.

I found myself looking back at the direction where he was standing just in time to see his face filled with emptiness and so much sadness yet gone in a blink of an eye when Axel turns to him to say something, the smile returning to his face like it has always been there like he wasn't just looking down just about few seconds ago.

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