2 • Brother

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Trying to navigate the school map while passing through the swarm of students in the school corridor with the hope of not colliding with anyone seems more harder than I thought.

The fact that the school looks miraculously huge for me to get my supposed destination which is the school Principal office since despite the fact that I have been here once seems more harder than I thought too. I feel like I have been circling just a route since and the sea of students in the hallway is not helping either.

I tried not to stares at them but I couldn't help to notice some of them as I walked pass, from the couples who are basically eating eachother's face off with no respect for PDA to the group of guys who were literally flirting with every singles girls that walk pass them. No one really seem bothered by it but not me, maybe because I used to attend an only boys school where you won't see any making out or flirting in public unless you wanted to outed and become an outcast—


I stare back at the school map I was given two days ago when I had first came here to complete the registration for my acceptance to the school. I still can't figure out where the Principal office is despite walking down the place for like literally ten minutes now.

How I wish I could be able to muster some courage up and ask for direction from one of students around, but I know myself well I can't do that. It's better I just go back to the starting point. And talking about starting point, that means me going back to the school front and navigate my route again.

The hallway bell rings indicating the start of the school first class and I haven't figure out where to go yet. Students dispersing as some starts closing their lockers to get ready for class as some goes into their class.

I think it's better I just go back. I thought with a groan as I turned around to walk back to the school front as I bumped into someone making the school map in my hand to fall from the shock.

"I-I am so sorry, I w-wasn't looking" I stuttered as I looked up at the person I bumped into. "...." It was like all the air in my lungs were knocked out of me as I stood frozen staring at boy in front of me.

From his face piercing, nose, eyebrows, and like about four piercings in his both ears to the tattoo literally sticking up from his chest and arms. I was mortified, the thoughts of what I went through from someone who looks exactly like this makes me felt a cold chill down to my spine.

I looked at my supposed bestfriend with tears clustering my face as he watched me being bullied in total amusements. "Hey! Look at me, I am talking to you!" I felt myself being forcefully pushed against the wall as my face was turned forcefully backed to the horror of a guy who was harassing me. From his face piercings, to his body almost  covered in tattoos as he proudly showcased them by wearing a tank top.
Removing the cigarettes in his mouth as he puff the smoke on my face sending me in reeling on cough as I tried freeing my lungs from the smoke. "I heard you are gay."

I felt myself being pushed to the floor to realize the guy had pushed me out of the way as he storms off.  "Fuck" I mutters as I tried standing up. I can't believe I had zoned out while staring at him.

I really need to calm myself down. I have to take my mind off those things. But me having to encounter probably one of the school badboy's on my first day of school didn't sit well in me at all.

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