8 • Panic

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"I don't think you are that interested in where I am going. So stop pretending you do." I watched the hurt and sadness in Axel's face as his brother jerked his hand away him before he storms away from us.

This all happened because of me, only if I haven't showed how scared he made me feel maybe he wouldn't have said that to him.

I know Axel's brother is not a threat to me, well maybe when I am around him alone but I can't help the fact that his face reminds me of him, of them, the excruciating pain I went through with them had been buried in me, it had engulfed me whole. Seeing him reminds me of them all.

The memories of the way the guy with lots of tattoos and face piercings had used my body as his ashtray, the way he slammed my body against the wall because my existence repulsed them so much, all started seeping in making me quiver in fear, my breathe getting hiked as I find it had to breath while my hands trembled.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard Scarlett's voice as I looked up to see them all looking at me, Axel and the new guy who had arrive with Axel's brother earlier.

I suddenly feels my pain had became bare to them as they all stares at me. I moved a bit away from them. "I-I, I am fine."

I had met Axel that morning at the school gate when dad had dropped me and left after telling me he will picked me up after class. Axel had approached me greeting while he tells me to accompanied him to wait for his friend who will soon arrive.

That was when he introduced me to his friend, Scarlett, she looks really pretty with her long dark locks adored with tiny beads and small silver cross she had packed in high ponytail and a small silver nose ring giving more endowment to her beauty.

I really wasn't surprised about her using nose rings to school though, from what I read about the school in the school guide I was given before resuming, things like these are permitted in as much it wasn't used too excessively.

Something about the students freedom to express themselves. It's a no uniform school also giving you freedom to wear whatever you want to wear in as much as it's not too revealing or distractive.

Scarlett seems like a fun girl too, a little bit too friendly also with the way she had started calling me her second bestie when it hasn't even been twenty minutes we had just being introduced to eachother.

She asked about my previous school wanting to know why I moved and I had tried my best to mask the anxiety I was feeling for being reminded about the past I was trying to forget as I told her the little information I feel she needs to know.

My dad being transferred here for work and me needing to follow him too. Not like it was a lie anyway.

"Hey, don't be annoyed at Chase. He might have intimidated you with his look but he really is harmless, and he is in a bad mood this morning, had a bad headache from drinking overly too much last night." The other guy said also looking worried at how I had reacted.

I cleared my throat clinging onto my school bag. "I..I think I will see you guys later." I said with a forced smile taking a glance at Axel before walking away not waiting for their reply.

"You think he will be okay?" I heard Scarlett said before I walk away from them.

I mentally sighed feeling stupid for embarrassing myself that way. I thought I did be fine after moving yet it seems more like it's still always the same as ever. It's like they were still here, like I could still feel them looking at me, watching my every steps and they would attacked me at any given opportunity they gets.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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