5 • A Start

331 11 2


I got down from my car after parking it in front of the mini apartment that belongs to my cousin Amber, where I had been staying for a while now. She was using the bottom floor as her tattoo shop while the upper floor is where she stays.

I walked up the steps, letting myself into the house, I was greeted by the familiar buzz of tattoo needles and the scent of ink. Amber was working on one of her clients, her focus on her work, not even bothering to look up despite the door bell ringing indicating an intruder as she continues to etched the designs onto the guy's tanned skin.

"Hey" I said at her, catching her attention, and she gave me a quick smile before returning to her work.

I sighed, guess she is too busy right now. Turning away from her, I walked through the apartment, I stopped almost stepping on a cat which jumped at my front, it's one of the eleven cats Amber had adopted over the years. I looked up to see the rest all scattered at a corner, I sighed picking up the cats whose name I can't remember, not like I want to bother myself to know it.

I still wondering why Amber decided to have so many cats. Her obsession for cats is really to another whole level.

I placed the cats with the rest pouring them some treats before walking up the stairs into the room.

Entering the room, I flopped down on the bed, letting out a sigh. My mind wandered back to what had happened at school today. My thoughts waver to Axel, the look he gave me wasn't what I wanted to witness. He indeed seems very disappointed in me. I also wished things would be the same as before I just don't think it will be that easy.

I don't want to disappoint him but there is nothing I can do about it. There are lots of things he had no idea about. Our relationship indeed is estranged right now yet I can't think of a way to bridge it.

If only I haven't decided to man up and come clean with him, if only I haven't thought of the sentence, family comes first by deciding to come out to my parents. Maybe things wouldn't have turned out this way.

I sighed as I tried my best not to think about the situation, my thoughts shifted to the boy from earlier, the one I collided with in the school hall.

Not like I knew everyone at school but I knew he is new, he doesn't look like he had been around for much. I had no idea why my thoughts goes to him. All he had said was a quick apology while looking like so scared and terrified yet there was something about him that piqued my curiosity.

I am not the type to care about something like this yet something about him pull me off, maybe it's because of the scent from his body, the calming scent from mixture of something like flower and rose water, I wondered what type of perf he used.

Ugh why am I sounding like a pervert by being interested in a guy I just met today body scent.?


Lost in my thoughts, I must have dozed off, because I was awakened by a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Amber sitting beside me k the bed.

She arched an eyebrow when she saw me opened my eyes, "you left school very early....just like I had expected."

I sighed sitting up not answering her. I guess she is done with her clients downstairs. I wondered how longer I had passed out.

"You still haven't find a reason for you to stay back there? Not even your friend? Your brother?"

I looked up at her after hearing what she said. I had once told her I don't feel welcome at school again. After being away from school for a whole year with your mates already graduated, all I wanted was to just graduate and leave the school yet I am finding it hard to be there. It's feel like the whole school hates me and I m trying to get away from their judgmental eye.

"You okay?" I looked up at Amber as I forced a smile. "Yeah. Yeah, I am good."

Amber sighed, placing her hand over my shoulder. "Don't let him get to you Chase, no matter what he says it the ways he treats you, you are still you and you also knew that yourself. Even a whole year under a conversion therapy camp doesn't change that about you. You are my favorite boy, I will always tell you this, I really hates seeing you this way."

I smiled as I ruffles her hair. "Why are you being so cheesy all of the sudden?"

"Idiot." Amber smacked my hand away as she stood up. "I don't know why I am even telling you this. Get the heck over yourself and so what's right. I want the old Chase back."

"Yes ma'am. Care for a noddles? I think I'm hungry." I asked as I stood up from the bed walking towards the kitchen.

"Not like you know how to prepare anything other than that. And why are you making me feel like I am in your house when it's the other way round."

"Wow, thanks for reminding me that I am not welcome here."

"I didn't say that idiot." Amber reply as she followed behind before sitting on the kitchen island.

I smiled opening the kitchen cabinets as I brought out to cup noddles before putting some water on fire. "Thank you" I said lowly loud enough for her to hear.

"It's okay. Just be happy, you deserve that. And why don't you try and stay much longer in school while you associates with your friend, who knows you might find something worth while. If you feel like your source of happiness no longer yield your desired results, why don't you find another source for your happiness?"

I turned to her, something worthwhile, source of happiness. Can that ever happened to me again? Maybe? I doubt it though. "Okay."

"And call your mom too. She called me earlier, she said you are not picking her call. Because her husband treats you like trash doesn't mean you should neglect her too."


But that husband of hers is my father too and he really hates the idea of his son being gay, the word alone repulsed him more than anything.

It's funny how he managed to say I am so proud of you and I rather be fatherless than have a gay son like you in the moment of-less than an hour apart. Seems me being gay is just the line I had crossed.

I smiled. "I will."

Amber patted my back before getting down from the island. "Make my noddles a bit spicy."

"And please do the laundry. Your socks smells like fûck!!" She added.

"Yes boss"

I heard her get out of the room as I bring out my phone from my pocket, scrolling through my contacts list, I stopped at my brother's contact name, hesitating to call him or not. Maybe I could invite him out for dinner and we can talk like old times.

"Fuck!" I groaned as I turned off my phone putting it back into my pocket. Maybe I should take it one step at a time.

If Amber is right maybe things can still be normal like before again after all..

I brought out my phone from my pocket messaging

To Tristan
The Tipsy Tequila?

The Tipsy Tequila, that's the infamous bar where I do hang out with him, Amber or alone by myself. I guess I did say they sells the best liquor ever.

From Tristan
On you?

To Tristan

From Tristan
See ya in three hours. Having rugby practice rn.

To Tristan
Okay, in three hours then.

Well, I guess that's a start.


The Boy He Always Noticed (BoyxBoy) [Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now