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I searched for my parents in the overly filled arena. I found myself desperately hoping that they'd came to see my valedictorian speech. I know I said I hoped they'd forgotton me, but the amount of work I put into this speech was ridiculous and I hoped being the valedictorian could at least be the one thing my mother would consider being proud of.

The music began signaling the teachers to start down the isle. I reached for my cap and realized it wasn't there.

I began to panic. I turned back to Sarah, our class's salutatorian.

"Did you see where I placed my cap?"

She shyly shook her head and pointed, signalling it was my turn to get in line and go down the isle. The announcer said my name and I knew it was too late.

"Valedictorian: Zayn Malik!" I progressed down the isle and I heard the teachers and the stadium break into whispers. I saw my parents in the third row and dissatisfaction was written clear on their faces. I blushed extremely hard and climbed on the stage and waited until they finished calling the rest of the top ten students in our class.

We all sat and I slyly waved towards my parents as the principle began talking. To my surprise they actually waved back. I smiled at my beautiful sisters and waved to them too. I was interrupted when my name was called to give my speech. I walked to the microphone and began talking.

"Hello everyone. As you all know my names Zayn Malik and I would just like to say...." I trailed off as Harry and his friends snickered. Harry smirked and moved his hand.

He had my fucking cap.

At that moment, mad as fuck couldn't even explain the anger coursing through my body. He has picked on me from day one. And he couldn't let me have one day of enjoyment. He literally just annihilated any feelings I had towards him. Period.

I know your like 'chill its a cap.' , but its more than that. Harry has now extirpated every high school memory I'll ever have. I stared at the crowd waiting for me to finish and couldn't remember one thing from my speech. So I grew the balls to say what I wanted to.

"..and I would like to say Fuck You, Harry Styles." I watched as everyone's faces, even Harry's, held looks of amazement or shock. Oh well, I might as well finish now.

"Fuck You because everyday. Every. Single. Goddamn . Day. you have made my life a living hell. You and your bitch ass friends. You all will reap what you sow. " My mike was cut and the principal approached me.

"Have a seat, Mr.Malik. We'll discuss this issue later." He said with a face of pure rage. I flipped Harry off and sat in my seat once again.

After all the speeches, and songs were done, everyone tossed their caps and dispersed. I approached my parents. I felt the blood rushing through my veins as I expected the worst.

"Zayn Jawaad Malik. What were you thinking?" My mother exclaims when she notices me. Did she really just chastise me?

"Why do you care? You would understand what I go through if you were actually around and not avoiding me like I have some damn plague. I am your SON. Not your charity case." I said as I watched her face heat up.

I really should pat myself on the back because I'm on the roll today. And I honestly can't lie, it felt so good to be bad for once. It felt good to be the one in control. For once in a very long time I was borderline happy.

"Zayn your not a charity case. Your father and I felt like you would thrive better on your own." She reasoned and I've never despised her more.

"Leaving a 15 year old boy in an apartment alone while you play mother with the rest of your kids isn't exactly helping him thrive!" I raised my voice, so close to losing my shit. I was so glad the stadium was almost empty and no one was there to hear.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to use the restroom and you have a family to attend to. Goodbye mom." I quickly left her and entered the restroom. I froze as I spotted Harry in the mirror. He smiled eerily at me and dried his hands.

"Well, if it isn't mister bad ass. Come prepared for me to kick your ass?" He said as he got in my face. I shoved him and his eyebrows rose.

"I meant what I said. I'm not letting you run over me anymore. I already have to deal with you for another four years in University. And I refuse to let you fucking pester me for those years too." I said just as a teacher walked in.

"Gentlemen is everything alright?" He asked as me and Harry glared each other down. I rolled my eyes and slid past him in a stall. Just as I was about to close the door,our eyes met in the mirror and Harry's entire face changed at my next promise.

"It will be."

A/N: This was so short sorry


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