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Harry's POV:

I walked into my dorm room and almost pissed myself at the sight of Zayn. His beauty hitting me all at once all over again and making me want to weep. Seeing Zayn made me feel like I could breathe again. Like the air was pure enough for me to inhale once again. These few days without him made me feel stuffy, choked.

"What are you doing? I demand as I watch Zayn pack his desk decorations in a box. He had removed his posters and some of his clothes.

"What does it look like? I'm requesting a new roommate." He said without looking up at me.

"Why would you do that? I might get a terrible replacement!" I exclaimed. He looked up at me in mock horror and utter sarcasm.

"Oh Harry! I am so sorry. But I simply can't be brought to care." I frowned as he rolled his eyes and continued to pack.

"Why do you do that?" I said walking so I towered over his bent over body.

"Do what?" He said not even glancing back at me, his nonchalant attitude pissing me off.

"Why do you become an ass when your feelings are at risk. Quit hiding behind this fake facade you've made. Why don't you really say what you feel. Man enough? Or are you still the same little bitch who cried in school because his mama just couldn't love him." I sneered, attempting to draw a reaction.

Zayn stood up so fast it gave me whiplash.

"Don't ever speak about my mother again. And facade? That's what you think this is? Well its not, you bastard. Its more of a defense mechanism. " He said in my face.

"Oh really defending you from what? The truth?"

"No. Defending me from people who are not worth anything to me. People who have done nothing but fuck me over countless times. I'm not that gullible little boy from ninth grade that adored you Harry. Don't complain about how I am. You, my family, and your malicious ass friends made me this way." His words hit me so hard it felt physical. The pent in emotions swimming in ever word. But I also noticed his confession. He used to adore me?


"Shut the fuck up. Don't say shit to me. I'm going to be out of your way in a few hours."

"I'm sorry, Zayn." The words left my mouth before I could even process them. He froze and looked up at me in shock.

"What did you just say?"

"I said...I said I'm sorry. I have never liked anyone as much as I liked you and I'm sorry for being such an ass to you and I'm sorry for disrespecting your mother. Just please don't switch rooms. I'm not ready to say goodbye. I've liked you for too long and I don't want to lose any more chances with you again." I said, looking him in the eyes. I couldn't believe I had just apologized. But to be completely honest I'd rather apologize instead of letting Zayn slip through my fingers a second time. I want him more than I've ever wanted anyone else. But fuck this wasn't easy.

Going out on a limb, I grab his hand and pull his body into mine. My skin tingles everywhere his body is touching mine. He doesn't struggle or fight me. His golden eyes watching me as I eyed his pretty lips.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Well, might as well. You've come this close."

"What about your boyfriend, Adrian, I think it was?" I watch Zayn sigh in frustration and he pulls my face down to his and it were as if I was seeing color for the first time. As if my entire life had always been in black and white until this moment.

I wrap my arms around his waist and pull his body flush against mine and smiled when I felt his hands leave my chest and settle on my neck and tangle into the hair settled there.

This is what I've wanted for the last 5 years.


Zayn's POV:


That's exactly how I felt when I encouraged Harry to put his lips upon mine. My mind was so loud. Asking me how is it I haven't learned my lesson yet. Learned my lesson from all the hurtful times Harry has brought me down. Learned from all the times I would fall for this problematic boy only to get dragged down again.

But my heart was a different story.

Harry and I had history, no matter how short that time in 9th grade had been. My heart wanted more of whatever it was that Harry was willing to offer me. It beat so wildly and franticly in my chest. But it felt wrong. It was like I had to pick between my head or my heart and I was required to set the other on fire.

I slowly pushed Harry away and felt my body wither from the loss of his warm touch.

Stay strong Zayn.

"I can't."

"Can't what?" He asked, looking at me with an adorable dumbfounded look on his face.

"Forgive you. I've seen this before remember? The hallway and the locker scene?"

"Zayn, no its-"

"Look I'll stay in the room but we can start as friends and nothing more. I don't trust you. Not one bit but-" Harry cut me off and threw his arms around me and cuddles into my awkwardly tensed body.

"That's okay. Anything you say is perfectly okay. I'll prove you can trust me. I promise." Harry said, and sadly at that time I believed him. In Harry I saw paradise, but I also saw our own self made war zone.




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