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~Time skip to the start of Uni~


I followed the instructions to my dorm room and stopped outside the door. I've never been one to be shy, but I must admit I'm nervous. I've never had to share a room before, especially with someone I don't know.

I slid the key in and opened the heavy white door. I walked through and saw that half of the room was already decorated in startling green and black. The randomly placed stack of comic books on the desk made me roll my eyes.

Great. A fucking nerd.

I dropped the box I was carrying and frowned. The loneliness slowly settling in. None, and I mean none, of my classmates came to this school. None scored high enough to. None except Zayn. I frowned harder and began to place my things where I wanted them.

After multiple trips back and forth to my car, I finally finished and stretched across my bed. I hated how our four colors clashed. Green, Black, Brown, and Red just don't mix good together.

Bored,  I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Instagram for a good hour before I heard the doorknob jiggle. My heart sped up and so many thoughts trickled through my mind in such a short amount of time.

What if he doesn't like me?

What if he's a fucking creep?

But nothing was worse than who it actually was. My mouth dropped open as the door revealed the last person I wanted to be stuck with.

Zayn fucking Malik.

I stared him up and down and had to say. He looked so good. He had grew his hair out, like I did, and shaved all but a section of it off. His facial and body structure had flourished and he'd changed his style. How the fuck did he change so much in three months?

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" Zayn demanded, handsome face holding uncensored rage.

"Surprise! I'm your roommate." I added standing with a cocky grin, even though I was just as shocked as he was.

"Fuck no. Hell no." He spat, brown eyes flashing.

"Don't be so sour, Malik. The fun hasn't even started yet." I said, with a cheeky grin.His entire face morphed into one of the meanest and coldest looks I've ever seen.

Zayn walked in the room and slammed the door. I watched as he approached me and pushed me on my bed roughly. I watched his lips as he leaned in to whisper deeply in my ear.

"Listen up you piece of shit. If you think I'm going to let you run shit around here, you've got another thing coming. Your not ruining Uni for me like you ruined high school." He finished and I quickly flipped us and straddled him, his arms pinned to the bed.

"You've really lost your shit haven't you? You remember one thing: no matter how edgier or sexier you get I can still easily kick your ass. So find some fucking control and deal with the fact that I'm superior to you." I finished, getting of of him smoothly. I watched him as he stood up before me, breathing hard.

"Superior? Are you bloody mad? Go fuck yourself, Styles."

"Don't test me, Malik. I will destroy everything you are by the time I'm done. I promise you that." I menacingly said. I stared into the dark storm his beautiful eyes held. Let the war begin.

•~•ZAYN'S POV•~•

"Bye Guys!" I said as I dismissed myself and Niall from the group that had formed itself around us. I wink at a few girls as we leave and watch as they blush. I smile to myself because this has become routine. I finally know who I am and to be very honest I've never been more confident in my own skin.

"Zayn, I have to go wait for my roommate so I'll meet you at the library later." Niall said, as he stared fondly at my face. I know Niall might have a slight thing for me. He makes it so obvious and to be very honest, I like him just as much, but I would rather we not make things awkward between us.

"Okay. Catch you later." He smiles at me before he leaves and I trudge tiredly towards my dorm room. I sigh because tomorrow's Thursday. And I'm going to be busy as hell.

During the summer, I took up singing and I'm assuming I'm fairly good at it judging by people's surprised ranging reactions when they first heard me. After that I often get gigs and I've even convinced Niall and our other friend, Liam, (who, like Niall, is such a happy person its sickening) to occasionally participate and we have a performance together tomorrow and just thinking about it exhausts and excites me.

I unlocked the door and stopped dead in my tracks.

This is absolute and utter bullshit.

I felt the obscene anger spread through me like a wildfire as I stared at the one and only Harry Fucking Styles. I glared at him and surprisingly noticed his hair. It went past his shoulder in gently curls. I glared harder to ignore the cuteness that is Harry. I'm not going into that dark hole again.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" I spat and watched as his trademark grin slips across his face.

"Surprise! I'm your roommate." He said ,smile still intact, and standing.

"Fuck no. Hell no." I said shaking my head because this cannot be happening. Like what are the odds that the son of Satan himself and I just randomly end up in a room together? None.

"Don't be so sour, Malik. The fun hasn't even started yet." He said and chuckled and my body went icy cold. Cause there's no way in hell I'm letting Harry start his shit again. His words just adding to the already burning fire in my body. I threw the door closed and approach him in quick strides. I aggressively pushed him onto his bed and leaned down and whispered menacingly into his ear.

"Listen up you piece of shit. If you think I'm going to let you run shit around here, you've got another thing coming. Your not ruining Uni for me like you ruined high school." I said and gasped in surprise as he flipped us over and straddled me in record time. Long, slender legs on either side of my torso as he eerily smiled down at me as he pinned my arms to the bed.

"You've really lost your shit haven't you? You remember one thing: no matter how edgier or sexier you get I can still easily kick your ass. So find some fucking control and deal with the fact that I'm superior to you." He smirked as he got off of me. I stood, my body temperature degrees higher from the new surge of anger he made wave through me.  Superior? This little shit? 

"Superior? Are you bloody mad? Go fuck yourself, Styles."

"Don't test me, Malik. I will destroy everything you are by the time I'm done. I promise you that." He said with a twinkle of danger written all over his face.


I wish I'd knew then that he wasn't kidding. That he would hurt me. But to be honest with myself, I probably wouldn't have minded back then......


A/N : Summer break has been a complete bummer . ugh


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