UPDATE : New Years

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Happy New Year Angels! This one has been rough on us guys! With Zayn(Zaddy) leaving, the breakups, the new relationships, and the new albums but I feel like we're closer together. Closer than we've ever been before and I hope in 2016 all of your dreams come true. My resolutions are to lose weight because I don't like my weight tbh and to finish this story for you angels! Also I have a new Zarry(otp) story coming this week, so ill be more reminded to update! Its called "Unsteady" and I've completed a one shot called "Sorry." So make sure to check that out and imma update tonight on here! Goodnight Angels and may this year be ever in your favors.

I Won't Mind (Zarry)(boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora