Chapter 4: Ashes Ashes

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(sorry been out for awhile school is starting back up again for me. Enjoy!)

ship storage on the trip back to the holy land 

3rd person P.O.V

Empress Lashara and Lithia were staring face to face with the transforming giant robot that they had seen on the cameras. Lithia was visibly stunned by the hieght and look of him, but Lashara just kept her composure, but inside she was little nervous.

Lashara: "Well Wahanly, I certainly see what has kept you so busy all this time."

Wahanly looked sheepishly away to avoid her gaze.

Lithia: "What is it?"

Wahanly looked at Lithia with a little anger.

Wahanly: "Him....."

Lithia: "What?"

Wahanly: "HIM not it."

Lithia wanted to scold her for talking to her in that manner, but decided against it.

Lashara: "That aside, we would very much like to get to know you Mr......?

Optimus: "Optimus."

Lashara: "Mr. Optimus."

Optimus: "Just Optimus.....please."

Lashara raised an eyebrow, but decided not to pry about it further. 

Lashara: "Alright then, How were you brought here?"

Optimus: "I prefer not to speak about it...."

Lithia walked towards him pointing her finger at him.

Lithia: "Listen here, I don't know what you are or why you're here. It's bad enough that I have to deal with Lasharas wild BEAST of attendant, but now I have to deal with a fifty ton ROBOT! You will tell us why you're here or will be more than happy to-"

Lashara puts an arm on her shoulder.

Lashara: "I think that is enough Lithia, this is a conversation NOT an interrogation. However, she is right Optimus, if you want our trust, you must tell us how you came to our world."

Optimus looked at the two leaders and then to Wahanly. To be honest even She didn't ask how he got here or at least she DID, but decided not to pry if it made him uncomfortable. Optimus let out a heavy sigh as looked back at Lashara and Lithia.

Optimus: "Very well, you may want to find a seat for this will be a long and sad tale."

And so, he told them all everything, how the war started on Cybertron, to coming to earth, fighting along side the human race in all the battles leading to the battle of Chicago. Finally, he got to the humans unexpected betrayal leading to the deaths of all his comrades and friends. Wahanly, listening to his story felt sad for her friend and hatred to the people he had sworn to protect. How DARE they do this to him when he had done nothing, but protect and fight for them with everything he had and as thanks they treat him like a criminal.

Optimus: "Then, as I was driving away from them, a portal opened in front of me and with little choice I sped through and I didn't look back....."

Lashara looked at Optimus with a sad expression while Lithia still maintaining her calm face started to regret lashing out on him before.

Lashara: "Well, that is certainly quite the story we've heard, we are deeply sorry for what you had to go through."

Lithia: "{Ahem} and i would like to apologize for my rudeness earlier."

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