Chapter 7: Re-Awakening

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(I'll admit Rise of the beasts had a pretty neat soundtrack, but most of the story had some holes. Anyway here's another chapter.)

Optimus P.O.V

I open my eyes only to be met with.........Darkness........This isn't anything I haven't seen I dead?........or dreaming.............another nightmare perhaps........I wonder what horrid thing awaits me now?.........Instead of a monster or evil version of myself I heard a voice calling to me.

???: "Optimus Prime."

Optimus: "Huh?......"

I looked around to find the source of the voice, but I couldn't see a thing. I could feel someone here through the matrix.

???: "Optimus Prime."

Optimus: "I am no Prime......I renounced my title months ago."

???: "So you have forsaken who you are?"

???: "Forsaken what you represented?"

I clenched my fist in anger.

Optimus: "I represented Failure!!!"

???: "What have you failed?"

Optimus: "Oh!? Perhaps I should go on a list of things and people I've failed! I led the war on cybertron which led to it being abandoned and left to rot, My mentor turned his back on what we stood for and betrayed me killing one of my closest friends, and then the humans betrayed me which lead to the deaths of not just my autobots, but their entire world!"

The voices were quiet perhaps taking in what I said, but soon a bright light came through the darkness and........I saw ancestors......the 13 original primes that came before me.

Vector Prime: "You claim you failed, but the way we see it

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Vector Prime: "You claim you failed, but the way we see it......"

Solace Prime: "You are not the one at fault."

Optimus: "I-I"

I could barely form the words to say, I was in the presence of my heros and idles for centuries.

Nexus Prime: "Optimus, you put too much blame on yourself."

Onyx Prime: "You have always done your best for our species, and that of the humans. Despite the humans of earth betraying you, that didn't stop you from protecting the humans at that school."

Vector Prime: "You can say that you failed, but you have only proven that you are more worthy of Prime than you realize."

Optimus: "But.....My autobots are gone......they trusted me as their leader and I lead them to their deaths. And with the decepticons here I can't fight them alone......."

Tenchi Muyo: War On Geminar: More Than Meets the Eye (An Optimus Prime insert)Where stories live. Discover now