Chapter 6: Battle Or Beatdown?....

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(So here we are.......the big fight......metal vs vs con.....who will win.....? I don't own anything.)

Workshop Wahanlys P.O.V

I had to hurry, every moment I spend here is another moment Optimus goes without backup. I just finished the calibrations on my mecha worker when Kenshi ran in.

Kenshi: "Hey Wahanly! Are you ok?"

Wahanly: "I will be when I'm out there helping Optimus!"

I watch Kenshi jump onto his mecha worker and start fiddling with the controls.

Kenshi: "Are you finished?"

Wahanly: "Almost, I just need to finish attaching the weapons."

Kenshi hops into the cockpit and starts it up.

Kenshi: "No, I like it like this. If you weigh it down with stuff it won't maneuver well."

Just then we heard air bikes from outside the doors and heard two bandits talking to each other.

Bandit 1: "According to Lans info this is a mecha mechanics workshop. I f we find anything valuable we take it."

I look over to Kenshi and we nod at each other. Kenshi uses the Mecha worker to brak the door down and apprehend the two bandits in its arms.

Kenshi: "This is great! Like an entirely new Mechanoid!"

Wahanly: "Thank you, now if you'll excuse me I need to find-"

Kenshi: "I'll leave these guys to you!"

He throws the two knocked out bandits at me while I fumble to catch them both.

Wahanly: "Wait Kenshi! Optimus needs help out there!"

Kenshi couldn't hear me because he had already sped off to Auras dorm. I sigh as I look at the ships blockading the holyland.

Wahanly: *Hang in there Optimus, I'll be there soon."

With Optimus 3rd person P.O.V

Optimus was surrounded by mechanoids and decepticons alike, it also didn't help that some of the fighters were shooting at him from above so he couldn't take cover anywhere. There were two dark elf mecha masters that were fighting as well, but they couldn't do much against overwhelming numbers. One con tried to grab Optimus from behind, but he just kicked him and stomped his foot down crushing his head completely while firing his ion cannon at one of the mechanoids. He keeps shooting at the Mechanoids, taking out 5 before he ran out of ammo. 

Con: "He's out!"

Male mechamaster: "Hit him!"

Once he realizes this, he grabs the barrel of his cannon and hits a decepticon in the back of the head and keeps hitting him until his head was nothing, but mangled parts and wires. He pulled out an ion blaster from his back and shot right through a mechanoids cockpit killing the pilot inside. However, whenever he killed one another would just take its place there was no end in sight. He then got shot which sent him flying backwards, landing on the ground skidding before hitting a wall. He looked up at the assailant in a complete daze.

Tenchi Muyo: War On Geminar: More Than Meets the Eye (An Optimus Prime insert)Where stories live. Discover now