Chapter 18 - Homeward Bound

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The sun hangs low in the sky. The cool evening breeze carries a hint of rain. Clouds line the horizon, hinting at a change in the weather. For the first time in almost a day there is absolute silence. Even the birds and insects are silent, as if they know something important is about to happen. The sense of anticipation is strong, causing the people surrounding the stargate to talk in muted whispers.

The controlled chaos surrounding the stargate and the ridge has disappeared. The charging clamps have been removed and the cables and transformer carried to the bottom of the ramp.

The Fon'luc soldiers and officers not guarding the Federation prisoners stand outside the gate wall's perimeter, waiting for the gate's activation. Most of the men from Earth mill around the area next to the gate's platform. Corporal Randall leans against the wall near the entrance, with a new sling for his arm and a sturdy cast for his leg. Medical technicians wait at the medical helicopter in front of the ridge, a stretcher ready to carry Watkins to the gate.

Maren Jenz and Lorn Gren, as well as Hame and Commander Callis, stand at the top of the ramp, hoping that the gate's activation signals a new beginning for their respective cities. Hundreds of citizens from Wes'lek line the metallic city's top uncompleted edge. News of the battle had caused a parade of interested citizens, concerned politicians, and probably some Federation spies to travel to the city's edge. Dr. Jackson assumes they want to experience the beginning of what may be a much needed and welcomed change.

Captain Carter stands in front of the DHD. Dr. Jackson and Colonel O'Neill stand immediately behind her. They have been joined by Commander Saymer. For the past half hour the commander has been asking numerous questions of Dr. Jackson, wanting to learn more about the gate and what lies beyond. She forced the highest-ranking Federation prisoner to stand a few feet behind her, to act as a witness to what is about to happen. She hopes this will send a clear message to the Federation that they are no longer controlling the destiny of this part of the planet. She has also made it clear that once relations have been established with Earth both gates will be moved to Fon'luc. They will take responsibility for the gate and control who comes and goes.

The air is thick with tension as everyone waits. O'Neill gives a final look at the audience before giving the go ahead.

"Ready when you are, Captain."

"Yes, Sir."

She presses the first symbol. Nothing happens. There is an audible groan from O'Neill and Dr. Jackson. The Federation officer lets out a derisive snort. Carter presses the symbol again. And again nothing happens. She kneels in front of the DHD and opens the access panel. Sliding out the crystal trays she closely examines each crystal. She breathes a sigh of relief when she spots an out-of-position crystal. She resets it and slides the tray back in.

Standing she takes her place in front of the dialing device. She stretches her hand over the symbol. Holding her breath she presses the symbol again. It lights. There is an audible sigh from those watching.

"Nice way to build up the suspense, Captain."

She gives the colonel an embarrassed smile. "Sorry, Sir, one of the crystals was out of position."

She presses the six remaining symbols and holds her hand over the center.

"Ready, Sir?"

"Are you trying to build up the suspense?"

She gives a slight smile, "Yes, Sir."

"Okay, press it when you think we can't take the suspense anymore."

She pauses for a moment and then presses the center button. There is a final click as the dialing sequence completes and then a loud swoosh as the energy surge leaps from the gate. Commander Saymer jumps back in surprise even though she had been told what to expect. The Fon'luc soldiers look on in amazement at the bright, swirling event horizon. The SG members let out a cheer at the watery-looking sight. A dull roaring sound reaches their ears. O'Neill and the others turn. The people lining the edge of the city are yelling and cheering, wildly celebrating though most don't understand what they are seeing.

Commander Saymer speaks into her radio, asking the medical technicians to bring Watkins to the gate.

O'Neill enters the IDI code. He then activates his radio.

"SG-1 to SG Command. Over."

There is a slight pause, then General Hammond's voice comes over the radio. "We read you SG-1. Colonel, it's great to hear your voice. You took much longer than we had thought. Have you reached your destination?"

"Yes, Sir. We ran into a few snags. Alert Dr. Frazier to have a med team ready in the gate room. We're sending through two wounded. Corporal Randall and Lieutenant Watkins. Watkins is on a stretcher and is in serious condition."

"Understood, Colonel. Med team has been alerted and will be standing by."

Randall had already begun hobbling toward the gate, one arm around Martinez's shoulder. O'Neill turns to the team. He motions for them to follow Randall's lead. As they move toward the platform, two medical technicians arrive with the stretcher bearing the unconscious Watkins. They stop and stare at the stargate, frozen in awe by the site in front of them. Lorenzo and Davis tap them on the shoulders to snap them out of their trance. The two technicians lower the stretcher to the ground and step out of the way. Lorenzo and Davis take their place. Picking up the stretcher they carefully walk toward the gate, being careful not to jar the wounded man. One by one the team members step through the event horizon. Several of the Fon'luc soldiers have moved along the wall to where they can see the backside of the gate. They still expect to see the Earth men walk through the event horizon and appear on the back side of the platform, instead of traveling trillions of miles home. Even when they see the men disappear they still can't believe it is happening.

Commander Saymer shakes her head in disbelief as each member of the SG team disappears.

General Hammond's voice comes over the radio. "Colonel, Watkins and Randall are on their way to the infirmary. I assume you had trouble on the way? Same people as before?"

"Yes, Sir. I'll provide details in the debrief. However, we did run into a group that provided much appreciated assistance. They've provided two representatives who are willing to come to Earth to learn more about us. If that is okay with you. I think this can be a mutually beneficial relationship."

"Tell them they are more than welcome to visit."

O'Neill turns to Dr. Jackson, "Okay, Daniel, send them through."

Dr. Jackson speaks to Commander Saymer. Within minutes two men jog up the ramp. Dressed formally, each carries a small duffel bag in one hand and a briefcase in the other. They stop next to the DHD to stare at the gate. One asks a question to the commander. She nods and gives a short answer.

O'Neill asks, "What did he say, Daniel?"

"They wanted to know if they were really going through that."

O'Neill calls out to Teal'c. "Teal'c, please escort our new friends through the gate."

Teal'c nods. O'Neill motions the two ambassadors toward Teal'c. They stop and look warily at him. Teal'c gives a short smile and nods. He motions for them to follow as he turns and walks toward the gate. They follow, no longer as confident as they once were.

O'Neill turns back to Dr. Jackson. "Daniel, please thank Commander Saymer for all that she and her government have done. I owe them a really big favor."

As Dr. Jackson translates, Teal'c and the two ambassadors reach the gate. They pause, hesitant to step through the event horizon. Teal'c takes a step back and spreads his arms. Putting his hands on each diplomat's back he slowly walks the two men into the event horizon.

Commander Saymer turns to the colonel and smiles after Dr. Jackson relays O'Neill's message. No need to translate. Looking at the colonel she says something else. Dr. Jackson is a little surprised.

"What did she say Daniel?"

"Uh, nothing important," Dr. Jackson says. "I'll tell you later." Dr. Jackson walks to the gate.

"What?" O'Neill asks.

He turns to look at the commander. She gives a short laugh and walks away. O'Neill looks at the retreating back of Dr. Jackson and again at the commander. "What?"

The remaining members of the team walk toward the gate. Captain Carter steps next to the colonel, interrupting his thoughts.

"It will be good to get home, Sir."

"Yes it will, Captain, yes it will."

Stargate SG-1: EscapeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora