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 You were practically yanked from your bed when you woke up, you looked into your own tired eyes, someone started to do your makeup to perfection. You were meeting suitors, men who were respectable but held no important title, or who wouldn't be taking over their own throne.

You were dressed in a maroon long sleeve dress with buttons up the front, along with black heels. You walked towards the room that had the first of three you'd meet that day. He had short blond hair that was slicked back, and he wore a nice suit. You sat next to him in tense silence, he picked up the tea kettle, pouring it into a cup, you reached for a cookie on the other side, since it would be the first thing you ate that morning, you were starved, and you did this you knocked the tea kettle with your hand on accident, and it spilled all over him.

He stormed out of the room.

Next it was an Irish man, he had the classic ginger hair, as he only spoke about himself not allowing you to get a word in, you walked over and opened the window.When opening it, a little lizard crawled in, you picked it up thinking why not, you showed him the little animal, and he started to flip out.

He stormed out of the room too.

Lastly was a man from the Swedish royal family, he is the youngest son, last in line for the crown. This one you were simply being yourself and after meeting with your father, from what you heard his reason for not wedding you, was you weren't what he was looking for.

It felt as if no one wanted you, it felt like they rendered you as a disgrace, you weren't like Margret or any of the other princesses you met in your lifetime, you didn't care about makeup and looking perfect. When you did wear the fancy stuff you barely recognize yourself.

Every time though slightly angered he always told you. "Don't worry, we'll find someone who works out for you." He always said it so gently and he did care for you but you didn't always feel he cared, but this showed you that he did.

Now you sat in your room shaking your head, as you read through the paper, it listed all of the men who had died the week before, you felt bad for the families. Then your eyes flitted over to the next article called 'King's Worst Mistake' . You shook your head, at the headline about your Father, folding it over, sitting it down, then there was a knock on your door."Come in." You spoke softly.

Your cousin-who could have passed as a twin to you- He was raised with you like a little brother after his parents died when he was a baby, he walked in with a gleaming smile. "Y/n, look at this." He held out a piece of paper for you to take.

You looked over it, it seemed to be a letter of acceptance. "What the hell is this?" Your brows were furrowed.

"I decided to join." He seemed almost excited, he was eighteen and knew nothing about the real world or war, he was a duke, you couldn't say you were any better with the second, you were a princess in the 40's after all, but you knew about the world and it was cruel and dark.

"Are you sure about this? And have you shown this to anyone else?" You walked over to your desk learning something a while back you pressed the paper on to another piece and just as you thought it would work the information copied onto the other.

"Yes, I showed your mother and father, give it back." You handed it off to the man as he requested.

He left shutting the door behind him, you sighed, walking to your desk looking down at the real paper.

You found your cousin, later on after getting in something a bit more comfortable, you walked to the door of his room. "August, let's go for a walk." You spoke, he opened the door and accepted. The two of you walked through the forest behind your home, there was a bridge where you and he would be honest and vulnerable to one another.

"You want to know why don't you?" He asked with a knowing look on his face.

You nodded. "It would be nice."

"I'm going because why shouldn't I? Other families, families who sometimes rely on the person who had to leave to fight, I may be a duke, but I deserve to go just as much and defend innocent people." He explained.

"But August you're eighteen you know nothing about the real world." You said with concern.

"Like you do either, Princess." He said your title like it was poison. "You don't you've been locked in the castle all your life, don't act like you know better than me just because you're older. I know more than you."

You scoffed. "I've seen and read more than you have, and don't act like you haven't also been locked in that castle."

"Why does it even matter?" He scoffed back at you. "All you have to worry about is marrying a guy and then becoming queen."

You shook your head. "I thought you knew me better August." tears had collected in your eyes.

Later you went to dinner that night your father, and mother sat at the two heads you and your cousin across from one another. "Y/n, how was your day?" Your father's voice rumbled out.

"I don't think August should go to war." You blurted out the truth, maybe your father would agree with you, and revoke his acceptance.

Instead you were met with an eye roll. "Y/n." It sounded like a growl, his brown eyes staring into your e/c ones. "Is this how you act with those men? Is this why you're always being rejected?" That hurt.

"No, it's just I don't agree with- I get why we and other countries need to fight but I don't agree with drafting innocent boys from families, ones who have zero experience in war matters. Our economy was already bad and you're making it worse, with all this war stuff. " You spoke with aggravation.

"That's enough." His fist met the wood of the table.

You stood up, ignoring your mother asking you to come back, you walked to your room where you sat on the window seal, reading, as you flick through the pages of a mystical world, you looked at your clock, seeing it was midnight, when realizing that you'd been cooped up by the window for too long, you got up walking to the bathroom, since there was no actual conclusion to your opinion earlier.

You did what your last option was you grabbed some scissors that sat there waiting to be used, you started to cut, the long locks of hair falling into the sink, you looked up, you could surpass as him, you walked down the hall to his room, when you walked in, you went straight for his uniform, and placed it on, you snuck through the servants quarters, you headed out through the garage and you were lucky enough to have found the plethora of keys to the multiple cars for your family you plucked a random one out, and took it the car it belonged to. You drove out leaving having all the stuff needed to be taken in to show that you were August.

You drove to the train station where men would gather the next morning to be taken to the training camp. You spent the night there, waiting for the sun to peek over the large mountains that protected Hollis-your home, you boarded the train and you were whisked away.

August woke up with just enough time to get down to the station, but when he woke he couldn't find his suit, nor his acceptance paper. Or anything he needed to be accepted into the army.

He ran to your room, to find it empty. He walked knocking on the bathroom door, when he got no reply he walked in he found the long tendrils of your h/c hair in the sink, he ran and told everyone you were gone.

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