New Teachers and Terrifying Creatures

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(Y/N)'s POV

After I shook the hands of all our Ministry appointed bodyguards as thanks, we made our way onto the train, it was packed to the brim as usual. Ginny split off from us as we found an empty compartment, well, almost empty, sitting at the corner of the compartment was a middle-aged man, sound asleep with a travelling cloak over him.

"Who do you reckon he is? Said Ron, "Don't know, he looks sick though" I said, sitting beside him awkwardly, staying as far away from him as I could to be sure not to wake him. "Professor R J Lupin" said Hermione like it was a matter of fact, I was astounded.

"Woah, that's amazing" I said in shock, "Do you know everything?" said Ron, also astounded. "It's on his case" she pointed above him and I could see the name on a suitcase. "Oh" was all I could say in embarrassment, when I looked back at Hermione, she was smirking at me.

I just stuck my tongue out at her. "Probably the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher" I concluded, trying to move along the conversation, "So... Should we curse him now or later?" they all looked at me confused.

"I mean, odds are he's either a psycho or a fraud so might as well get it over with now" I drew my wand, red sparks shimmered out of it. I looked at their shocked faces and smiled, Hermione looked just about ready to scream.

"Just kidding, jeez." as they realised, I was joking they all sighed collectively and frowned disapprovingly. "I was just checking he was really asleep." I said sadly putting my wand away "You guys are mean." 

We were interrupted by the trolley woman, we all ordered what we wanted and sat down again "You sure he is asleep?" said Ron quietly, as the witch slid the compartment door closed. "I mean- he hasn't died, has he?"

"Nah, he's thinking still, but it's all fuzzy so he must be out of it" I confirmed focusing on his mind for the first time, over the summer I had been able to determine how to do it actively. "Besides, he's breathing," whispered Hermione, taking the cauldron cake Harry passed her.

"It really creeps me out when you do that" said Ron shuddering, "Sorry" I said softly, "What are you trying to hide Weasley?" I said, putting my fingers to my temples to mime using my Legilimency. "You better not" said Ron firmly, crossing his arms over his body and leaning away from me.

"He's definitely asleep?" asked Harry, I nodded in confirmation "Good, because I need to tell you something". He spent the next ten minutes explaining what Mr Weasley had told him and why Sirius Black was coming for him.

"But if we're with him," said Ron spiritedly to Hermione. "Black wouldn't dare-" "Oh, Ron, don't talk rubbish," snapped Hermione. "Black's already murdered a whole bunch of people in the middle of a crowded street, do you really think he's going to worry about attacking Harry just because we're there?"

"He bloody well should be worried if he comes after my friends" I said. Harry smiled at me, but Hermione scoffed. "What are you going to do against a mass murderer?" "Same thing I always do, hit him with any spell I can think of until he's on the floor" I said with a smile.

She gave something between a scoff and a chuckle "Like that will work", she said as she freed Crookshanks, I followed her lead but that meant I was busy getting Bones out of her cage to provide a compelling argument.

"Don't let that thing out! I can barely handle one" Ron said, but too late; Crookshanks leapt lightly from the basket, stretched, yawned, and sprang onto Ron's knees; the lump in Ron's pocket trembled and he shoved Crookshanks angrily away. "Get out of it!"

"Ron don't!" said Hermione angrily. I had also released Bones, but she was too busy nuzzling me to chase anything, I think she was making sure she was still my favourite. Then both cats saw each other and jumped into action, each claiming one side of the compartment and glaring at each other.

Harry Potter.  Hermione X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now