Coming to Sense and Beating the Fence

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(Y/N)'s POV

Kreacher did not return that morning or even that afternoon. By nightfall, Harry was pacing and looked anxious, this did nothing to aid the situation because Kreacher did not return the following day, nor the day after that.

However, two cloaked men had appeared in the square outside number twelve, and they remained there into the night" Death Eaters, for sure," said Ron, as we watched from the drawing room windows.

"Reckon they know we're in here?" "I don't think so," said Hermione, though she looked frightened, "or they'd have sent Snape in after us, wouldn't they?" "D'you reckon he's been in here and had his tongue tied by Moody's curse?" asked Ron.

"Yes," said Hermione, "otherwise he'd have been able to tell that lot how to get in, wouldn't he? But they're probably watching to see whether we turn up. They know that Harry owns the house, after all."

"How do they — ?" began Harry. "Wizarding wills are examined by the Ministry, remember? They'll know Sirius left you the place." "Damn, that means Mums...or my house I suppose, is burned too then" I sighed.

The presence of the Death Eaters outside increased the ominous mood inside number twelve. We had not heard a word from anyone beyond Grimmauld Place since Mr. Weasley's Patronus, and the strain was starting to tell.

We were all restless and irritable, Ron had developed an annoying habit of playing with the Deluminator in his pocket. This particularly infuriated Hermione, who was whiling away the wait for Kreacher by studying The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

She did not appreciate the way the lights kept flashing on and off. "Will you stop it!" she cried on the third evening of Kreacher's absence, as all light was sucked from the drawing room yet again.

"Sorry, sorry!" said Ron, clicking the Deluminator and restoring the lights. "I don't know I'm doing it!" "Well, can't you find something useful to occupy yourself?" "What, like reading kids' stories?"

"Dumbledore left me this book, Ron —" "— and he left me the Deluminator, maybe I'm supposed to use it!" "Well, he's got a point" I reasoned, she scowled at me. "But it is super irritating" I tacked on for Ron's sake and mine.

I too had started developing habits, I kept going to find Bones during lunch and dinner times so I could feed her, then realising she was still with the Weasleys.

I had started checking the time on my pocket watch whenever I had the opportunity, checking my watch against several different ornate clocks in number twelve, I had begun deciphering the watch and its hands, little by little.

I was examining what clock hands correlated to which planet when I heard a crash from downstairs Ron, Hermione and I shared a look and rushed towards the source wands out.

I expected to see Kreacher dragging Mundungus in a sack, that's not what we found, Harry had his wand pointed at a figure that was cloaked in the hallway. I heard him warn the figure "Don't move!"

At the sound of his yell, the curtains hiding her flew open and she began to scream, "Mudbloods and filth dishonouring my house-" We came crashing down the stairs behind Harry, wands pointing, like his, at the unknown man now standing with his arms raised in the hall below.

"Hold your fire, it's me, Remus!" "Oh, thank goodness," said Hermione weakly, pointing her wand at Mrs. Black instead; with a bang, the curtains swished shut again and silence fell. Ron too lowered his wand.

Harry did not, I didn't either, but mostly because of adrenaline and the desire for a fight. "Show yourself!" he called back. Lupin moved forward into the lamplight, hands still held high in a gesture of surrender.

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