Round Two and A Breakthrough

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(Y/N)'s POV

A few days before Christmas we went to take Mr. Weasley out of St. Mungo's. The journey was quite quick, as there was very little traffic on the roads. Ron was seriously affronted when a medieval wizard in a painting called out that he clearly had a bad case of spattergroit.

I watched in awe as he argued with a portrait of a very old Healer, "-They're freckles!" said Ron furiously. "You sure mate? You might want to get checked" I laughed. Mum had come too, she brought flowers for some friends of hers and Mr. Weasley,.

She disappeared soon after we entered to 'Make her rounds' We walked around as Mrs. Weasley was sorting out paperwork. Harry paused suddenly and was staring wide mouthed at a patient, "Blimey!" said Ron, also staring at the man.

"Oh my goodness," said Hermione suddenly, sounding breathless. "Professor Lockhart!" our ex-Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher pushed open the doors and moved toward us, wearing a long lilac dressing gown.

"Well, hello there!" he said. "I expect you'd like my autograph, would you?" "Hasn't changed much, has he?" Harry muttered to Ginny, who grinned. "Er — how are you, Professor?" said Ron, sounding slightly guilty.

"Hello again Mr. Lockhart, how's the head today?" I started like I had done countless times before. He looked at me for a second and then smiled "Still a bit foggy (Y/N), funny to see you here, has your arm fallen off again?" I held in a laugh.

"No, here to check someone out actually" he paused "Is it me?" I chuckled "No" he smiled widely "Why are you here then, do you want an autograph? Has your arm gone?" "No thank you Mr. Lockhart, and no, it's still here."

He paused for half a second like he was thinking and then said "Now, how many autographs would you like? I can do joined-up writing now, you know!" "That' brilliant Mr. Lockhart. Well done." I smiled, he beamed at me and then repeated the same thing over.

"Er — we don't want any at the moment, thanks," said Ron, raising his eyebrows at Harry, who asked, "Professor, should you be wandering around the corridors? Shouldn't you be in a ward?"

The smile faded slowly from Lockhart's face. For a few moments he gazed intently at Harry, then he said, "Haven't we met?" "Er . . . yeah, we have," said Harry. "You used to teach us at Hogwarts, remember?" "Teach?" repeated Lockhart, looking faintly unsettled. "Me? Did I?"

I pulled them away as politely as I could, "Don't bother, I've told him that at least twenty times, he came wandering into my ward a lot, I've also got about thirty of his signatures if you want one" I heard footsteps, "Give it a second" then, as expected, a voice said.

"Gilderoy, you naughty boy, where have you wandered off to?" A motherly looking Healer wearing a tinsel wreath in her hair came bustling up the corridor, smiling warmly at Harry and the others. "Oh Gilderoy, you've got visitors!"

She paused for a second, looking me up and down "What are you doing here again young man!" she said firmly, I panicked and spluttered "I told you to stay out of trouble. Are you doing your breathing exersizes?" "Yes." I said, dying inside.

"Were just visiting a patient who gets released today" said Ron quickly, turning to me with a raised eyebrow, I glared at him. Ron began to say "What do you mean breathing-" To the nurse, but something caught her interest before she said anything else..

"And — oh, Mrs. Longbottom, are you leaving already?" We turn to see a very awkward looking Neville and his Grandmother start to make their way to the door, Ron had looked up at the sound of the name "Longbottom."

I tried to clamp my hands over his mouth before he made a scene, and had called, "Neville!" Neville jumped and cowered as though a bullet had narrowly missed him. "It's us, Neville!" said Ron brightly, getting to his feet.

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