Hiyori's chocolate morning

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Today was a day that you could call important, if that's really the case. I could agree with this statement, because even I had special plans today.

Perhaps I could do something ordinary, because today is essentially the same day as yesterday, but still something is not quite ordinary today. Today is Tuesday, the fourteenth of February, a day known in many countries of the world. I know that today you can give chocolate to those people who are dear to you. It's like Halloween, but the opposite, I think?

In any case, I have a lot to do, which is why yesterday I bought enough chocolate for myself to distribute it to all my friends today.

I looked in the bathroom mirror and began to gently comb my unruly hair. Sometimes I think it's worth cutting them a little, but then I think I've always liked walking like that. Therefore, I humbly combed my hair further, until most of my silvery locks lay down in the right order.

The hair is still a little wet after the shower, but it will have to dry soon. Still, I have a lot of time before the start of my studies, since I woke up early. When I'm done cleaning myself up, I'll need to text all my friends so we can meet. Although, of course, it will not be very easy.

Now many people are preparing for the final exams of this trimester, which are also the last exams of this academic year. I heard from Ayanokoji-kun that it will be extremely difficult for all of us. Although I personally believe that it will not be difficult for him to cope with all this.

I may not have any evidence for that, but I am quite sure that my book friend is responsible for many of the events that occurred during our studies. For example, the defeat and return of Ryuen-kun, the sudden change of Ibuki-san, unexpected results for exams, the defeat of Class C during the exam on the island. I think Ayanokoji-kun was involved in all these events to one degree or another.

Anyway, I was thinking about him right now, so it was more or less a good moment to ask him about it. That's why I kept brushing my hair with one hand, and with the other I picked up my phone and called Ayanokoji-kun.

It might still be early, but he's usually awake at this time. As he told me, he has to train early in the morning, so he wakes up early enough. At least I hope I'm not interrupting him.

– Hello?


He answered me almost immediately. Involuntarily, a smile formed on my face, which I could see in my reflection in the mirror. It was a natural reaction that I didn't even immediately understand. But, in the end, I shouldn't have resisted such a thing. After all, my dear friend answered my call right now, and I have to respect his time.

– Ayanokoji-kun, how are you? Am I interrupting you?

"Well, you called early enough, but I haven't been sleeping for a long time, so don't worry. How are you?"

Of course, he only indirectly answered my question, but I didn't mind. In the end, it is unlikely that everything can be bad for him. Although, if the situation suddenly escalates for him, I will always be ready to help him.

– I'm fine. Can I ask you a little favor?

"If it's in my power, then of course."

In his usual manner, he literally agreed. It's good for me. To be honest, Ayanokoji-kun really often agrees with me in certain aspects, but right now my heart is jumping for certain reasons.

– Then could we meet tonight? For example, at 19:30 near the dormitory?

"I don't mind, but maybe we should meet somewhere else?"

– Is that so? Well, then can I listen to your suggestion?

"I'll tell you about it later, okay?"

It changes my plans a bit, but it doesn't disrupt them, so it's okay. I think Ayanokoji-kun just doesn't want to draw too much attention to our conversation. In any case, I would also like to keep our future conversation confidential.

– Of course. As you wish.

"Then I'll see you tonight."

– Yes, I'll be waiting.

Our phone conversation is over, so now I feel a little... I do not know, it even became a little harder for me to breathe, but I hope it's temporary.

This conversation was a little more successful than I expected. And, fortunately or unfortunately, my stupid smile on my whole face just proved it.

In any case, I had to finish with the standard tasks, after which I quickly packed my school things, while not forgetting something important. I put some chocolate wrapped in beautiful gift wrappers with me. These are my Valentine's Day offerings.

Of course, this day has never meant too much to me, but a lot has changed this year. I made a best friend at this school, and I met a lot of interesting and good people. Um, I have chocolate here for Ichinose-san, for Ishizaki-kun, for Albert-kun, for Ryuen-kun, for Morofuji-san, for Ibuki-san, for Haruka-san, for Morofuji-san, for Amikura-san, for Yamamura-san, for Yamashita-san, for Yabu-san, for Kaneda-kun, for Katsuragi-kun, for Nishino-san and, of course, for...

– Uh, and why did I think it would be so simple..?

I myself did not realize earlier that it turns out I have prepared a lot of chocolate for today. Maybe I shouldn't have spent so much personal points time on this? Well, it's too late to think about it anyway. Still, it's not that expensive chocolate, so I certainly didn't spend too much money.

Although, of course, I bought more expensive chocolate for Ayanokoji-kun... I wonder if he'll like it? I have heard that it's not the chocolate itself that is important, but rather the attention that you give to a person. In that case, my gift for Ayanokoji-kun should be the best, right?

Well, I really hope so.

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