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24 hours earlier

"Did we get any leads yet? How can we not find the traitor yet?" I asked mika for answers

"Look I've tried my best but the one we are searching for is wayy too smart, they didn't leave a fucking trace behind" he replied

"Don't joke with me and this is not your best, I've known you for a very long time. Anything give me anything by the next 30 mins" I said and left the room

It was around 12 pm when mika came to me, I was smoking on the rooftop. I usually didn't smoke much but when things got difficult I would always run to smoke the shit out of myself , that helped me relax too.

"Are you sure?" I asked mika and he nodded

"Then let's fuckingg go" I said

Everyone in the room including mika and a dozen bodyguards headed towards the parking lot, took our cars and left for the destination. I was pissed but not that much because I had a feeling about him from the start.

We parked in front of a small 2 story building which looked pretty good, there was a garden and a big chair swing. It was altogether pretty.

We rang the bell 2 times and there he was, he opened the front door but when he saw us he tried to close it fast but our bodyguards were pretty fast. They opened the door and dragged the guy in front of me. He was a lil tiny so it was easy to hold him at one place. But just when I took a step towards our car there were sounds of punches and kicks and when I turned around 4 of the bodyguards were on the ground and that little shit was fighting with the others. I eyed mika and he understood my command and without wasting a minute he removed a cloth and pressed it over the guys nose and after a minute of struggling he fainted like a log.

We put him in the backseat and left for our main house. Instead of going to the torture room I told the guys not to enter yet because ian might be wandering around. So I entered the house and there he was on the sofa reading what I think a romantic novel. I waved and smiled at him and he did the same. I went to the sofa and sat next to him.

"Is this another one of your shitty romantic books?" I asked and he glared at me

"It's not shitty, it's fictional and romantic and sexy might I add" he said with a cute smile. Oh the things he did to my heart.

"What does sexy mean? Its romantic shit not a porn book" I added since I don't know much about theses genres

"There's smut in these romantic books too, which makes it interesting" he said

"You know what smut is right?" He asked

"Well I've heard this term once from a former partner but I don't know much about it, is it a device used during sex or something?" I asked curiously and he started laughing , his gentle laugh digging a hole in my centre, I looked away embarrassed

"No dummy it's not a device, smut is sexual scenes written in books" and the realisation hit me

"I will do anything you want from your books , I like roleplay and shit " I winked at him and he was like a tomato, I smirked at my attempt to make him blush

"Let's have lunch together, could you wait for me at the kitchen I'll just freshen up and come there "  I asked and he nodded

The moment he left I let the guys enter and they all went directly to the basement. I held mika besides me to give him some more orders

"Tie him up and don't talk or touch him before I arrive, if he asks anything and stuff just ignore him and keep a good eye on him, he's small but is very smart and strong so don't let him escape or I'll kill you, understood?" Mika nodded and left.

I went to my room, had a shower, changed into comfy clothes and headed towards the kitchen. The smell was delicious, I went behind Ian's chair and hugged him a hii from behind, he was shocked which was obvious for me too but I couldn't tell him about his brother yet. Yes the traitor is his brother, no one other than BEN D'SOUZA himself.  It pissed me as hell that he was Ian's brother or else I would've tortured his Life out of him. I sniffed his hair and pulled a chair besides him and sat in it.

"Your hair smells good, we use the same shampoo but your fragrance is always the sweetest" I say and he blushes again

"Well thanks ig?"

We eat in silence and after we're done the maid comes and pickups the dishes and stuff, I turn towards ian and he asks me

"So you're at home for good now or do you need to go somewhere else again?"

"Nope I'll be here only, there's something I need to finish first and  then maybe we can go on an actual date, not by force or compulsion and not because we're married but because I like you and I want to take you out. I really want to make you happy and I want to put our past behind us, is that possible?" I asked

"Y.....yeah it's possible, ofcourse we can go on an actual date. Let's see how romantic you're "he said and giggled. Gosh I like him so much

"Cool then I'll let you know when can we go out and thrn you can get ready and stuff and here take my card and buy whatever you like, but you can shop online only or you can ask them to visit you here, I've been their client for a very long time and I usually prefer shopping while sitting at home so just tell them and they'll be here, okay ?" I asked and he nodded, I placed a kiss on his forehead and left.

I entered the basement and ben was awake. I asked mika to remove the tape from his mouth. And the other guard to close the door

"Hello brother-in-law, it's been forever since we last met, isn't it?" I asked and he smiled

"It's been a while asshole"

"Well let's get to the point shall we? How much did that shitty job pf yours paid you to come to my house and steal information about me ? It must be a Large amount since you risked everything. And you didn't even leave a single trace behind you, gotta say it's good to have a brother-in-law so smart but you working against us is a little unacceptable" I said

"Fuck you, I would die rather then work for someone like you who only knows how to kill humans " he said

"You think so lowly of me , I'm really disappointed in you"

"I will never tell you the main purpose so stop wasting your time, either leave me or shoot me to death but there's no way that you're getting any information from me" he said and that pissed me

"Well I'd like to try first" and that's when I went ahead and sat in a chair right infront of him, mika handed me the tools and ben didn't even look at it, well he was just like ian but a little bit stronger

A/n: hey babis😽 so there are only 10 to 15 more chapters left, I'll assure you a rollercoaster of emotions and you guys can vote for it✨ see you in the next chapter. Keep reading 😽✨

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