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I was facing an angry masimo, the softness in his eyes from before was replaced by anger. I could feel it and see it in his eyes that he was hurt and my blood ran cold in my veins. Angry masimo was bad for health, like really bad.

"Nothing, I was just reassuring my brother that you'll forgive him, you'll right?" I'm asked

"Do you take me for a fool, just because I'm not assaulting you anymore doesn't mean I like you, I'm not a nice person and I don't forgive my enemies, I KILL THEM " he said and a shiver ran through my spine

" You betrayed me, all this time I thought that we could get along that this marriage wouldn't be a failure and it'll work. But I was wrong all this time you talked sweet to me and behind my back you were planning to send me to jail, right?" He asked

I didn't utter a word, I was afraid that if something wrong slipped from my mouth, ben and I'll be found dead in the river tomorrow

"You fucking betrayed me" he said and in two strides he was in front of me. It was obvious that he was capable of hurting me so instinctly I moved backwards with each step of him coming towards me. Without a warning he picked me up over his shoulder and started walking away from ben. I punched him with my fists but that didn't budge him at all

"You asshole, keep my brother out of this, it was me who did this, hey you motherfucker piece of shit , you ummfudghhh" ben tried to stop masimo by unpleasant words but he didn't stop and after we came out of the basement his voice went silent.

"What the..... Hey keep me down, hey where are you-" I was cut off by the shock of him throwing me on the bed

"What are you-" I was cut off again by his lips slamming on to mine, the kiss was nowhere near soft or tender, it was hard and full of Anger, he bit my lip sp hard that I tasted blood on my lips.

I didn't even know when he brought his belt towards my hand and tied my wrists together so tight that it hurt. He removed my t shirt and pants and tied my legs to the ends of the bed. I was now wearing only a pair of boxers and fully naked. I tried to move my leg but the movement I shifted them the length between my legs increased

"Well this is made for humans like you who are not obedient " he said with a smirk on his face and anger still lingering in his eyes

"What are you doing, just listen to me it's nothing like that, you're going in the wrong direction" I said

"I knew it from the day that going towards your direction will come and kick me in the ass" he said and a blow of hurt spread all over my centre

"It's nothing - what the fuck are you doing, masimo stop please, sto... Ahhh" a moan escaped my mouth when he placed and hand on my shaft and pressed his thumb with force on my opening.

"I can't kill you right now, i haven't even tasted you yet, tomorrow I'll kill you and your brother together but I need to have fun with you first" he said with a dead serious expression

"Please don't, don't touch me you assh- ughhhh...aahhhhh"

"You are calling me asshole but you're moaning like a little bitch"

"Fuck you"

"Naahhh, fucking you will be more fun "

"Stop - aahhh shitt you asshole, move your hand away from me" he gave hard and fast strokes to my shaft and just by a lick of his tongue on my head made  loose all the control I had over me, he was an expert even though I hated it he made me cum in a situation like this and I hated him and myself for the outcome

"Please just stop please " I said ,

Tears in my eyes, rape was not what I had in my mind today or ever, I was shaking and sobbing but he didn't stop. He placed gentle kisses from my toes to the entire path till my inner thigh, i tightened my grip on the belt when he kissed my hip bone and slowly licked my shaft again from the bottom to the head.

"You fucker you can't rape me" I said in the hopes of him stopping and he did, he came up and was going to kiss  my mouth but I turned my head but that didn't stop him, he kissed my jaw and turned my face towards him and said

"This can't be a rape, you're my husband and sexual intercourse between married couple is normal" he said and kissed my mouth but I bit him hard on the lower lip so that I could taste his blood

"So you like biting during sex, I'll keep that in my mind" he said and bit me in the hollow of my neck and it hurt like hell

"Just leave me alone, kill me instead" he didn't stop kissing the path from my neck to the entire path till he reached to my shaft.

"I'll kill you but after having some fun" and that's when I knew that whatever I do, he won't stop at all and that's when I went still, I shut my mouth and felt numb all over my body, my face facing towards the ceiling and tears flowing through my eyes.

Masimo noticed the change in me and when he came to kiss my mouth I didn't move neither did I reciprocate. I'm didn't fight him because he was gonna rape me no matters what. He kissed and then came up faced me and looked at me for a moment and got up from the bed and left

I was lying there for what felt like hours, I jerked my head towards the door when it opened again and that's when masimo came in and untied me

"You have 5 minutes to tell me why you guys were planing to put me in jail, marriage isn't the problem as you wouldn't want to be a widow nor your brother would've wanted that" he said

"Do you know when I told you about the accident of my parents, well it wasn't a fucking accident it was planned, and the one who killed my parents was no one else other than you and your fucking asshole of a father" I said and confusion spreaded all over his face and that was not the reaction that I was expecting  

"What?!" He asked

A/n : Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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