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The walk to the mansion is eerily quiet which raises a doubt in my mind but I ignore it, father hasn't retired yet from his post as a mafia leader but everyone knows that even though the title is his, I'm the one who they should look up to , respect and listen to. My father will soon retire and then the throne is mine to rule. There are less men guarding the mansion today and that's weird but I put aside my doubts and stand right outside the main door of the mansion.

"Is everyone ready?" I ask mika my right hand

"Yes boss" he replies

The moment the doors open and we step inside, all the guns point towards us, and in the middle is my father. He's tied to a chair with his hands tied on the armrest and legs to the bottom of the chair and a tape on the mouth, there's blood from a fresh cut near his eyebrows. It's from a shovel or a rod that was used to make him loose consciousness, huhh fucking coward.

"Well well if it isn't my favourite nephew, welcome masimo, I was waiting for you" he winks ,
"Now now we have a lot of things to discuss don't we, I got this little gift from my spy I planted in your house, well it's interesting that you found so much evidence about my doings" he shows us the usb and I'm confused

"Well then you should know that today is your last day you fucking bastard " I growl

"No it isn't, today is yours and your father's last day, I'll kill your right hand too, don't want any revenge drama shit in my life anymore. I'll keep your husband alive though, I want to have a taste of him, want to know what made the great Masimo Delvis marry him and mope around for him" he says and I raise my gun but everyone around me unlocks their gun , waiting for their master to give a sign to shoot me

"Hey, he's just messing with you. We need to think about an escape route and need to get out of here with all our body parts attached. And I'll kill you myself if anything happens to you so put the gun down" Ian whispers so that only I can hear and presses my hand down with his, the warmth radiating from him feels like home

"Well don't even think of shooting, I want to have some fun with you first dear nephew, I know there's an army standing right outside and ready for your command. But we all know what you're meant to do right now isn't it?" He says and I know what he wants

I nod at mika and he speaks in the talkie asking the guard in charge jamie to go back to the mansion and that everything is alright.

The guards argue but fo as they are told.

"Well they are gone, what do you want, let them all go and you can keep me, I'm the one you originally need isn't it?" I talk to john

"Well it's no fun with you alone, guards tie them up real good and bring them to the basement" he commands his guards

The guards take us downstairs where my father's basement is and tie us up to the chairs just like how they did to my father. My father is brought down too and they remove the tape from his mouth.

"You fucking asshole, piece of shit. I trusted you all these years and this is how you repay me , you didn't even leave my wife out of it, she fucking treated you as her brother, how could you do this to her" my father says

"That's the fucking point, she treated me like a brother when all I wanted was to be treated like her lover " he replies

"How could you hurt her if you loved her?" My father says angrily

"Well if I couldn't get her love, I atleast got her body. But she was so traumatized that she died and didn't even give me the satisfaction of doing it with her again" he says and I want to jump put of my chair but it's good for him that my hands and legs are tied or else I would tear him limb to limb right here right now

"Shut up or I'll kill you, you pig" my father says

"That's not the case tho, today it's all about me having fun with this boy's husband in front of your kid and then killing your kiddo in front of you, and then I'll kill you. You took everything from me from the start so now it's your turn to watch everything you care about go away" he says

He nods at his guards and they move towards Ian's chair

"You motherfuckers don't even think of going near him, I'll fucking kill you" I speak to the guards who are moving towards Ian, they stop when I tell them but then john tells them to go on

They untie Ian and I'm proud of him when he kicksonw guard in his nuts and then elbow to his neck, and trips the other guard and kicks him in the stomach and ribs, he is using his knowledge of anatomy while kicking them in specific painful spots.

2 are on the ground and then when he sees the opportunity he goes to untie mika, and while he's doing that a guard around the corner qith a rod in his hand moves so fast that until I warn ian his rod flies in the air and the guard hits him on the hand, Ian falls on the ground next to mika and few steps away from me. My body is itching with the need to help him but I fucking can't. Mika's one hand is free but he doesn't show it, he's smart and knows when to attack, the mini knife that I've rolled up in my sleeves have helped me to break off my rope too, but I act as if I'm still tied up. Mika and I look at each other and we know what to do

The guard moves Ian near john and he bends down and caresses Ian's cheek and then his hair, and fucking pulls them soo hard that even I can feel the pain

"Stay away from him asshole, do whatever you want to do with me, leave him, fucking stay away from him ughhhh" I growl , if he does anything to ian I won't be able to forgive myself ever.

He moves his hand from Ian's neck to his chest and slowly to his pants and fucking pulls his belt apart and unzips them.

"Well the only asshole I'm intrested in right now is your husband's " he says and smirks

"You fucker stay away from my brother " ben says

The moment he reaches the waistband of the jeans to pull them down there's noise of shooting coming from the top floor and that startles him. I smirk and get up, when he was busy with Ian, I untied my hands and legs and so did mika. Mika helps ben with the ropes and I stalk towards him and guards charge towards me. I kick, punch , break bones of all of them and a few are handled by mika. I stalk towards him but he runs upstairs and the moment he starts to go towards the door he stops in his tracks looking dreadful at the one who has stopped him

"K...Kagar.... Kagar Akalet, what are you doing here?" He asks. He laughs and then says "oh are you here for revenge too, well we're on the same side you know. You can have fun with the nephew and his father, I'll take care of the husband"

"I think you misunderstood my presence you ugly dork , I'm here for Ian not for his father or his kid or whatever shit, so you can continue with your little family gathering while I'll take the hostages out from here. Well I've kept my word of the deal now it's your turn" he says to me

"Don't worry, I'm a man of my word " we shake hands and then kagar and ben pick Ian up, I caress his face and kiss him , "I'll meet you afterwards darling, take care of my husband " I speak to ben and they leave.

"Well well if it isn't my favourite uncle, I've an amazing surprise waiting for you at my mansion. You'll love it for sure " and then I punch him so hard that he falls unconscious on the ground.

"I'll take care of him so don't worry anymore " I tell my father and he does the most unexpected thing that jo one might've imagined

A/N - do you guys want a side story of mika and ben? If yes then comment below and I'll reward you.

Follow me on Instagram - @thezeewrites

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