Epilogue I

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Epilogue I: Darkness Prevailed & Shit Happened

Crazy. Right? You haven't seen the least of it.

Now, let me introduce you to my favorite scene in the entire episode... Come in!

A humble, modern flat, walls painted white, white curtains, white floors, we are in a living room with two nice pink couches, a table, and a large television screen. Seated on one of the couches is a man, recently hit 21, slightly overweight, wheat-skinned, laying back with a glass in his hand of a drink that almost looks like beer, but obviously it isn't because, on the floor next to him, we can see a bottle of a certain soda which I will not reveal its brand, which starts with Sch.

The man's top consists of an elegant, million-dollar suit and a marvelous tie, so well-kept and gentleman-like, almost soul-piercingly black without a spot, and from the waist down, a pair of comfy, blue shorts and brown slippers.

This man is-

"Me." I say. "That's right, I'm the guy. It's me. The one who's writing this thing."

I smile towards you, charismatically and cool-ly

"But you don't care, do you? ... Or maybe you do?" I say. "Nah, you don't. Screw you. So, uh, what did you think? About the chapter, that is. Did you see it coming? Any idea what happened back there? ... Was it a coincidence or was someone behind it? Well? what do you think is going to happen next? Oh, so many questions, so many answers to find, and I'm thirsty."

I take a sip out of my drink, very slowly stirring the glass in a circle, as the ice cubes very subtly hit the edges of the cup, making a very quiet melancholic ringing sound.

"This is not beer by the way, I don't drink." I say. "I just like to look cool ... But enough about me, how are you? ... Have you been sleeping well? ... And your throat, is it hydrated? Don't let me worry about you, please."

I lay my glass on the couch's arm and start to sit up in my place, rubbing my hands.

"I sound like such a nice gentleman." I say. "Like I'm not about to screw you in the ass later on in this novel. Heh."

I get up from my place and open the window next to me, it lets in a gust of heavy wind that blows my hair like crazy. I take something hanging from the outside of the window.

"Dammit." I say as I shut it back off. I struggle to set my hair as it was with my hands. I grunt, frustrated. "I hate it when I have to go through all the effort of getting something perfect and then it's just... ruined, on sheer coincidence... or maybe it's not a coincidence, who knows?"

I sit back down again, unfolding a very small piece of paper.

"Anyways, this is just a small piece of paper... But there's much more to it than meets the eye. On this paper, I've written three words, these three words are the key to knowing everything, the story, the fate of all characters, the secrets of the world... All amidst these three words." I say. "You might be wondering why I'd put this piece of paper out the window where it could be blown away and lost forever... Well, I could always just write another one, so it's not that important really."

I roll up the paper once again and put it in my pocket.

"Listen, I'm going to be very honest with you. You're in for a ride." I say. "This is either going to be the greatest story ever told, or the worst. Or maybe a bit of both. It's crazy, but you made it this far so I hope you're staying. It gets lonely sometimes, heh."

I start to pour another drink from my bottle.

"I hope I'm not bothering you or anything, I just wanted to grab you for a chat, about our little story." I say. "Crazy how 'the chosen one' just died, like that, out of the blue. Wasn't there like a prophecy or something? What's up with that? ... Oh and the uh, the time traveller guy, that was a weird fella, wasn't he? I swear he sounds like a nine year old sometimes."

I raise the glass and smile directly at you.

"This was fun, our little talk. Please do stick around." I say, still sustaining my wide smile. "Alright, that's enough, get the fuck out of my house."

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