Chapter 7: Battle of Thornridge PT.2

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Chapter 7: Battle of Thornridge - Part Two

Markus and Fangs cloak themselves and start heading out of the wide shed room. Fangs slowly and quietly opens the door, it leads into a big hallway of the same wooden manner. They sneak through, trying to be as cautious and quiet as they can. Fangs's ears rise as a faint pair of footsteps are heard. He puts his hand on Markus's head and they both crouch, sticking to the walls, as a troll appears within their sight. They are, however, perfectly blended with the shadows.

The troll is holding a spear. He approaches their position, Markus gets suspicious and a bit anxious. The troll passes by them, Markus, losing it, instantly unsheathes his sword and beheads the troll. Fangs is startled.

"I told you to only kill if necessary!" cries Fangs in a whispery manner.

"He looked at me funny!" whispers Markus in a shouting manner.

"He couldn't even see you! Why would you do that?" whispers Fangs.

"I thought he was going to spot us!" whispers Markus. "Listen, we'll get there in a moment. It's just trolls, I've killed trolls!"


"Let's stop trying to stealth-mission this stealth mission and just start killing these critters!" whispers Markus.

"No, Mark, this isn't-" Fangs starts to say, before Markus hurries off past him. Fangs sighs and follows him, he's starting to regret this mission before it even begins. "Dammit."

Markus takes a turn into another hallway, Fangs follows, they see two trolls right in front of the exit, thumb wrestling with each other, oblivious to them. Just as Markus is about to run at them, Fangs holds him back.

"I told you to let me kill them, what's the matter?" whispers Markus, turning to him, uneasy and impatient. Fangs points at a crate right next to them, with a blue bell on top of it.

"Magic bell." whispers Fangs. "Instantly alarms the entire army that we're here."

Markus exhales, angered. Fangs sneaks up on them, carefully hiding within the shadows, signaling Markus to follow him. Just two meters away, he waits patiently. The trolls are too focused on their game to notice them. Fangs raises three fingers, two, one - and immediately within a split-second, Markus beheads one as Fangs snaps the other's neck. They carefully lay the bodies on the ground without a noise, and before they exit, Fangs pockets the bell. Markus watches him, confused.

"We might need it later." says Fangs.

"A magic blue bell? What could we need that for?" cries Markus.

"Hey, don't question my pocketing instincts." says Fangs. "I see something cool, I pocket it, simple as that."

They exit the room, and into the town. It is a dark night, everything is barely visible, cloaked in the shadows. A lot of hay stacks and barrels lie around, as well as the horrendous bodies of the slaughtered townsfolk. They could make out the watchtower in their line of sight, just a short walk away. They head straight on, still crouching and sneaking. There are trolls standing in the distance in different places, but not one of them notices them.

As they are quietly making their way, Markus stops as he hears faint, drunk laughter in the distance. He turns and notices two trolls, standing next to a barrel with a magic bell and a lantern on top of it, gathered around the headless body of Prince Tyler Hawk. He is laid in a sitting position as the trolls are taking turns pissing inside him from a distance. He is shocked and enraged, about to explode in anger. Fangs stops when he notices that Markus isn't following him.

"Come on!" whispers Fangs.

"They're pissing in Prince Tyler's corpse!" whispers Markus.

"Do you want it to be your corpse next to it?" whispers Fangs, turning back and approaching Markus.

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