Chapter 6: Battle of Thornridge PT.1

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Chapter 6: Battle of Thornridge - Part One

A large and wide shore, the sand glowing yellow, bearing the sun's reflection, littered with many crabs. The ocean seems to be calm at this moment, but not the shore itself, as thousands of feet are heard marching across it, followed by a large trail of mist dimming their path.

The Dark Army is trekking across the shore at this very moment, thousands of dark monsters, from goblins to orcs to gargoyles to trolls, and in front of the army, the Dark Lord himself walks ahead, leading the way.

They approach a simple village by the shore. They stop to observe, waiting for a moment. Cries are suddenly heard from the distance, and they notice about a hundred men running from the village, carrying spears and swords and bows, screaming at them.

The Dark Lord stands still, almost laughing at their effort. He turns to face his army, whispering something among them. After a short while, a whistle could be heard from within the army, and a creature suddenly starts to rise from the back - a Thunder Wyvern!

Wyverns are like the bootleg versions of dragons, yeah, they're slightly less cool, but they are still powerful. Hard scales, rough claws and rougher jaws, and very long tails. Thunder wyverns in particular are incredibly fast, incredibly loud, and as much as four to five meters in length.

The wyvern rises into the sky, moving towards the villagers. They continue to scream as they approach the dark army, men and women and young boys, all armed and trying to make as much an effort as their poor figures could. The wyvern's shadow starts to overcome the villagers. They stop to gaze upon its figure in fear and powerlessness. The wyvern arches its back and starts to gather power from the sky, as its mouth starts to glow in light blue, rising in intensity by the second. The villagers are terrified, trembling in their places, but within just another few seconds, the wyvern releases its shockwave, a large bolt of lightning that effortlessly pulverizes even the bones of the villagers. They run for their lives, their cries of battle now becoming cries of fear. The wyvern moves around as the bolt of lightning continues to trickle across the sand, killing everything that moves, until there is nothing left but the ashes of the now nonexistent inhabitants of this village.

The Dark Lord grins widely. He has been waiting for this type of action for a very long time.

In other whereabouts, the majestic Alijonian flag flails in the wind, of emerald-green color with a drawing of a hawk with its wings proudly raised wide, atop a very large watchtower in the middle of a humble town right next to the sea. The town itself is settled on jungle grass but is directly bordering the coast. The dark army could be seen trekking across the coast in the distance, as they had been earlier, moving closer. Two men stand atop the watchtower, in full knight armor, carrying two pairs of binoculars and observing the army that approaches their very location.

This feels like a great time to remind you that Alijonians speak in a close to American accent, in case you're not keeping up or have forgot, I won't blame you.

"Looks like... Uh..." says the first knight, observing. "Yeah, that's them, the Dark Lord's army."

"Warn the others, I'll keep watch." says the second knight.

"Why me? Why don't you-"

"Come on, you're wasting time! If you can see them coming it means we're already dead! Move!" shouts the second knight.

The first knight quickly drops his binoculars and bolts down the tower. The second knight continues to watch. He opens his mouth.

"Oh my god, those damn elves." he says, licking his lips, looking away for a second to see if anyone is watching before getting back to it. "Mhm, oh yeah, they're so hot."

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