Chapter 1, the portal

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Me, Annabeth, Nico, Will, and Leo were under Thalia's tree, talking to each other. Apparently Nico's type was a blonde, blue-eyed, healer, and son of Apollo that was also a literal sunshine.

Why I think this? Because I see Nico Di fucking Angelo, holding Will Solace's hand. "So nico, your types a ray of literal sunshine?" I ask. "W-what?" The emo boy questions. I point to his and Will's intertwined fingers. Leo and Annabeth start laughing, and I see Will slightly blushing. Whereas, Nico, is brighter then Apollos teeth. Somehow. "I- I.." The son of Hades stutters out. I hear Will lightly chuckle. "Shut up." Nico states. "Wait so when Annabeth and Leo burst out laughing, it's completely fine, but when I laugh, slightly, it's not?" Will complains. Me, Annabeth, and Leo laugh harder at this. "Yes because I can't stop them from laughing." "That literally makes 0 sense." The two bicker, Will saying the last sentence with his hands in the air. "Come on come on now guys, we can't have solangelo break up because of a comment from PERCY, can we now?" Leo interferes. "Hey! What is that supposed to mean!" I yell at the son of Hephaestus.

"I hate you all. Minus Annabeth." Nico mumbles. Annabeth dramatically gasps, following with "GUYS!! I'm Nico's favorite here!" She says, somehow not sounding sarcastic. "Annabeth, your a daughter of Athena, your supposed to be smart. But right now your acting like Percy." Leo states, matter-of-factly. "HEY! WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" I shout. "He means that Annabeths acting dumb and oblivious." Will tells me as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. "WILL??? And I thought you were the nice one" I say, fake hurt in my voice. "Well ya thought wrong." The sunshine boy says. "Oof, you know it's bad when one of the nicest people here decide to insult you" Leo says.

Suddenly, a portal shows up behind Solangelo. "Will Nico wa-" Wise girl quickly starts, getting interrupted by Will and Nico being sucked into the portal. "Fuck." Leo and I say in unison. Then, us three also get sucked into the portal.

Short chapter, but oh well ig.
Also, Whoever's name is in the '[]', it's that persons POV.

<3 have a good day and make sure to take care of yourselves! <3

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