Chapter 5

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It's the next day and they are in the middle of class. This means that it's in Ancient Greek


We were just doing normal high school classes, when suddenly, an alarm goes off. "Villains. Stay here." Aizawa says. He runs off. "Does that old man really think we areu staying here?" Bakugo says. "BAKUGO!! WE MUST FOLLOW SENSEI'S INSTRUCTIONS." Iida says. "We're heroes in training so fuck off four eyes." Bakugo retaliates. "I gotta agree with kacchan on this one, iida. Their short on heroes today anyways." Deku says. "Wait. Wait. Who are villains?" Leo asks. "Our equivalent of monsters, but their still mortal." I say. "Oh okay can we fight them then?" Leo asks, once again. "I don't know. Ask them?" I say. He turns to deku and asks, "can we fight them?" Deku looks confused but decides the best choice is, "sure?". "Yay!" Leo exclaims.

We get out of the classroom and are outside in the training arena. "Any info on these guys?" I ask no one in particular. "The one with scars is Dabi, his quirk is cremation, which is blue fire. The one with the hands is shigaraki, his quirk is decay, anything he touches with all 5 fingers dissolves into nothing. And the blonde girl is toga, her quirk is blood transformation. If she drinks your blood, she can turn into you, and be careful, she is really good with knifes." Deku tells us. "Alright. Leo your best to deal with the scarred one, Percy your on the blondie, Nico, your with me on crusty man." I inform the team. I turn to the class and say, "I'm counting on you guys to defeat those monsters. Alright?" I say. "Your giving all of us a role, but what about Will?" Kirishima says. "I'm a healer, fighting isn't my thing. Plus, it's good to have a doctor on board. So if your hurt, you come to me." Will explains. A chorus of oh's come out of the class in understanding. And we get to business.

Btw, the next 3 POVs, until Will's pov, happen in similar times.


Wise girl said I was on the blondie so I took out riptide, and ran toward her.

"Hey blondie!" I say. "Oh~! You look interesting!! I wonder what your blood would taste like~!!!" She exclaims. Not creepy at all. "Alright I'm hurrying this up. You aren't giving good vibes." I take out riptide and begin to stab, slash, and avoid her attacks. She does the same. At one point; I bring her near a River I had seen from afar yesterday. (Don't ask. I just wanted a body of water and River seems like the best option) She makes the mistake of pushing me into the water. The water then heals me. "Wrong move ya crazy chick, I just got a awesome refresher!" I say. She stays silent, eyes slightly widened. But faster then Zeus has kids, she remembers her job and continues to fight and dodge my attacks.

It's currently sword to knives, and guess what! Swords winning! What a surprise! Anyways. I retrain her rather easy after I make her throw all her knives. Which took awhile. But I just wait for like a really long while trying to figure out how to get her back without killing her or letting her go.

Then I hear someone running towards me and her. I get ready to attack, just in case. But then I see that it's just Midnight. "Uh. Hey Midnight, can you help me? Not sure what to do with her." I ask. "Uh. Yeah sure. Just go, I'll use my quirk on her." "Alright! See ya later Midnight." I run back to where Will and the others were to see that they were all there.


Oh boy is this gonna be a fun fight! Fire against Fire except Im fire resistant! Not that fair, but hey, life isn't fair.

I get to the scarred man, and say "hey scar face!" "Oh? Another hero? And who might you be?" He says laughing. "I wouldn't consider myself a hero, but sure. Names Leo Valdez, and you are?" "Dabi. Now can we hurry this up? I have things to do." He says, summoning a flame. "Sure!" I say. Getting my hammer in one hand and fire in the other. "Mm. Interesting." He attacks me with fire. I just stand there, knowing that both me, and my clothes are fire proof.

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