Chapter 2, the meet

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Me, Nico, Annabeth, Leo, and Percy were all sucked into the portal and we ended up in a classroom. Their were a bunch of kids that looked 15-16 and an homeless looking man. The other 4 demigods get in defense positions. "WHO ARE YOU?!" A blonde with red eyes yells. "Better, who are you? And why are we here?" Percy replies. The Pomeranian looking guy attempts to attack Leo. Luckily, Leo sidesteps, and says "oh what the hell man!" "HAH?! WHAT'D YOU SAY TO ME EXTRA!!!" The Pomeranian shouts.

I take taxicab whistle and use it. Immediately, everyone stops what their doing and grabs their ears. "A little warning next time?" Nico, my boyfriend, says. "No can do. Also. Stop fighting all of you." "But-" Leo starts. "No but's. The strangers were in defense positions —minus the blondie with red eyes— so they obviously weren't the ones who opened that portal." I stated. "You guys didn't open the portal?" The homeless man said. "No. We were sucked inside of it." Annabeth states. The homeless man sighs, and says "alright then.. iida, your in charge. You 5 come with me please." "...alright..." Nico says wearily.

We follow the man and he brings us to an office. In that office, there is a mouse bear thing. "WOAH." Leo exclaims. "Shut up Leo." Nico says. "It's too early for this." Nico, once again, says. "Nezu. 5 kids, around the ages 14 to 16 came through a portal but claim that they got sucked into it." The homeless man explains. "I see, thank you Aizawa, can you please bring Shinsou?" The homeless man, whose name is Aizawa, hums in agreement. Once he leaves, the mouse says "hello children." "Uh.. that doesn't sound creepy at all.." Percy says. "Percy!" Annabeth scolds.

Time skip to a few minutes later

Aizawa enters the room once again, but this time with a purple haired boy, who I assume is Shinsou. "Them?" The boy asks. "Yes Shinsou." The mouse replies. "What colors the sky?" He asks


"What colors the sky?" I ask. "What-?" A brown haired boy says. "Blue? I think-" a taller black haired male says. "What type of question is that?" An emo looking kid replies. "Blue?" The two blondes say.

Now that they are all under my control, I ask Aizawa, "what do I ask?" "Things like name, are they villains." "Alright." I turn my attention back to the hypnotized people.

"What are your names? Say them one at a time." "Nico Di Angelo." The emo kid replies. "Annabeth Chase." The girl states. "Percy Jackson." the taller black haired says. "Will solace." The one that looks like a literal ray of sunshine replies. "Leo Valdez." The short brown haired male says.

"Are you villains or have any relations to villains?" "Villains don't exist." They all reply in unison. "What?" Aizawa says. "Hm.." Nezu says." "What are your quirks?" "What are quirks?" They, again, say together. "What.." Aizawa says. "Do I release them now?" "Yes. Thank you Shinsou." I release them from my quirk and start heading out.


"How.. how do you not know what a quirk is..?" Aizawa asks. "Idk man. How do babies not know how to walk?" Leo replies. "Leo. Shut up." I scold him. "Now, I apologize for my friends immaturity, but could you please tell us what a quirk is, and where we are?" I say. "Well, you are in UA high school, in Japan. And quirks are basically a superpower you get when your 4, or when your born." The man says. "OH! That's what a quirk is! I apologize, it's a bit of a cultural barrier, you see, we are all from America, well, Nicos from Italy, but we all live in America. But in America, we don't call them quirks, we just call them powers or abilities. We all have them." I make up on the spot. Thank gods for my smartness and on the spot decision making.

"Oh. I see, what are your quirk- or, abilities then?" He asks. "Mines called Athena's Blessing. Basically just makes me smarter then the average human at my age." I say quickly so the others get the memo to just use their godly parents name and blessing at the end to explain everything. "Mine's Apollo's blessing. It lets me heal, manipulate light, and some other things but healing and manipulating light are the easiest for me." Will says, after me, thankfully catching my idea. "Poseidon's Blessing. Allows me to control slash manipulate fluids with water in them. It also allows me to make a personal hurricane at times, I can also breathe underwater, talk to and understand, fish and horses, and some other stuff." Percy says. "No need to flex on us percy. Alright? Anywho! Mines called Hephaestus' blessing, I can make fire out of my hands, and I'm naturally tech savvy and good at... how do I word this...machinery stuff?" Leo says. "I think that sums yours up." I say. Will nudges nico as to say 'say it'. Nico sighs. But speaks. "Hades' blessing. I can raise the dead, but that takes to much time and effort. I can bring skeletons from the ground, I can raise a platform from the ground, I can also shadow-travel. But will don't let me. And that sums it up, with a few other details I don't remember of course." Nico says. "It's not my fault it takes most of your energy!" Will replies.

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