Chapter 7

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A/N: I just noticed that I forgot about spider . Let's just say he left back to the Omitikaya clan :)



That's all that could be heard, silence. Blank stares. Then Lo'ak stood up and walked to his brother's side. He grabbed Neteyams wrist and raised it up in the air.

"I'm going to be an uncle!" Lo'ak cheers, smiling as others cheered as well. Meanwhile Jake is quiet, in shock.

"Mawey, it's going to be okay Ma Jake," Neytiri whispered.

Jake stood up and walked to his son. Once he arrived, received a nervous smile from his eldest. He didn't know what to say so he just hugged him. He felt Neteyam hug back, then felt other arms surrounding him and his son. It was his family. Eventually they broke the hug which felt like forever.

Neteyam grabbed his father's wrist, carefully placing it on his stomach. Soon there was a little tap on the inside of Jake's palm. Making Jake smile and his gaze soften. He was going to be a grandfather.

4 months and 2 weeks later (Neteyam is 5 months pregnant)

Neteyam has started showing recently. And the village has been giving him mean stares, which has been making Neteyam uncomfortable.

But the kids had a very much different reaction than the kids. They would often ask if he was pregnant, and always said yes. Since he had nothing to hide.

When Aonung found out about this, he immediately started explaining what had happened. But he felt a little sad that Neteyam didnt tell him about his troubles. But didnt say anything, because he didn't want to cause stress to Neteyam, with his constant mood swings.

Today some sky people are coming to do a check up on Neteyam. It was weird to Aonung because the sky people did look like na'vi. Neteyam had asked Aonung if he could be with him during the check up. Aonung agreed, and now they were surrounded by a bunch of machines.

During the check up they were asked if they wanted to see the baby.

"Yes," Neteyam answered for them. So they gently placed a cool gel-like substance on Neteyam's stomach. Then they placed the transducer, moving it around to find the baby.

They looked up to see the screen, but instead of showing a baby...

It showed two babies, they were having twins.

"Do you want it printed?" The doctor asked, smiling for them. Netyam and Aonung nodded at the same time. They cleaned off the gel-like substance from Neteyam's stomach. Then left, to go get the picture and the results on how the babies are doing, leaving Neteyam and Aonung alone.

"So we're having twins." Aonung said as he smiled, kissing the top of Neteyams head. Netyam placed his hand on his stomach, feeling one of the babies hit his palm.

"Yes we are," Neteyam agreed, smiling. Then Aonung placed his hand on his stomach, his hand being hit in response.

"How does it feel? '' Aonung asked out of the blue.

"How does what feel?" Neteyam asked, confused.

"The babies kicking" Aonung answers, tilting his head a little.

"Like butterflies in my stomach" Neteyam answered, smiling as he remembered the first time one of the babies kicked.

He was just with Ronal talking about the baby, just the basic stuff. Then out of nowhere he just felt it. He was scared at first then Ronal asked him what was wrong. He just said he felt something tap his stomach. She told him that the baby just kicked, and said that it was a good sign then asked how it felt. He just said, like if there were butterflies in his stomach. Which led to him explaining to Ronal what the phrase meant.

Neteyam was pulled out of his thoughts when the doctor arrived and told him something. He hummed in confusion, not catching what the doctor said.

"I said that so far the babies are healthy and here is your picture." the doctor told him again, smiling.

" Oh, thank you and yes." Neteyam said, chuckling.

Once the sky people left, they went to Neteyam's marui. They were greeted by Neteyam's parents, then went to Netyams' room. They got in the bed, Aonung was gonna say something but was interrupted by someone knocking on the door frame.

"Come in" Neteyam and Aonung said at the same time, making them smile at each other.

The curtain moved aside, revealing Neteyams siblings and their partners. They all sat down on the bed surrounding Neteyam And Aonung. Once they all got settled, which was surprisingly easy, since Neteyams bed wasn't that big.

"So how did it go?" Lu'ney was the first to ask.  

Instead of answering, Neteyam gave her the photo. Once she got the photo, she took a good look at the photo then gasped when she realized they were having twins.

"What is it?" Tsireya asked, clearly confused.

Lu'ney looked at Neteyam, basically asking permission to tell her. And he nodded letting her.

"They're having twins!" Lu'ney announced, smiling as she did so. Everyone started congratulating Neteyam and a sleeping Aonung.

4 months later

Neteyam woke up from his peaceful slumber.

He is due any day now. They don't know the gender yet, because they decided that it should be a surprise once the twins were born. But that's not the only thing that has happened. 2 months ago Aonung surprised him with their own marui.

He called Aonung to help him up from the bed, Aonung arriving immediately.

"Good morning, love" Aonung said as he helped Neteyam sit on the bed.

"Good morning, Ma Nung" Neteyam responded, then received a kiss, as he stood up. They walked all the way to the kitchen.

Once they arrive, Neteyam's nose is filled with the smell of food. And his eyes were met with his family. He greeted everyone then sat down, and started eating.

Soon everyone was done eating and started saying their goodbyes. Neteyam stood up to hug everyone goodbye. But stood still once he got up.

Everyone heard a little splash near Neteyam, so they stood and went to go check up on him.

His water broke.

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