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"Je serai jamais soldat, j'aime pas les bruits de bottes"

Dear Vika 

At the radio, they are talking about the great attack of the russian army. They think it is close. 

I think you heard of it. Or maybe not. Maybe they don't talk about it in your medias. To not worry you. 

But your country is a democracy. And your president said he is worried. So... You might  heard of it. 

They are talking about this anniversary too. It's terrible.  I thought about it yesterday. I thought about it today. The 24th. I think many of us can remember it. 

Here again "the offensive". This "special offensive". I think our political science teachers talked about it. But were you in their class when they did ? I don't remember. Maybe not. It was between December break and February one, and as you have not come often since then...

I often dream about the end of this fucking war. 

Paradoxically... I am happy I have met you. You are so important to me now. You just answer a heart to a message I sent you few minuts ago. It's the only thing you sent me from weeks. And I'm happy. You made me smile from ear to ear. You made me want to shout my love for you from the rooftops. 

I often dream about the end of this fucking war. 

Russian soldiers will come back in their country. And if you want to, you too. 

I thought about it a lot this summer. Especially when I understood Bogdana and Yaroslav went back to Ukraine. I thought about how I would feel if you were going back there. 

I think it would be more difficult for me now, as I know you more, as we are "linked". It does not mean that we are inseparable but more that... our hearts came accross. And... Your mind met mine. Mine met yours. 

Do you want to stay here ? I mean, if the war stops? 

You seems sad here. You say no, often, when I ask you. But I see in you eyes it is not really true. 

It makes me thought of this summer... 

I hope you are okay 

Je n'suis qu'un militant du parti des oiseaux
Des baleines, des enfants, de la terre et de l'eau



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