an unexpected visitor

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Sun was cleaning up, a frown on his face. It has been about a year since Sun and Moon met and started dating. Things were pretty normal, but Vanessa was quieter than usual. It made him worried, he felt the need to check up on her. Moon walked in with a exhausted expression. "Are you alright Moony? " Sun asked worried, running up to his lover. "I'm going to murder all those fucking children.. " Moon frowned. Sun's spikes went down, remembering that dream where the building was in flames. "Hah let's... Do some crafts! " He exclaimed, trying to cheer Moon up. "I'm going to take a nap. " Moon sighed, going to the room.
Now that Sun thought about it... He's been acting strange. It worried Sun.

   *Moons POV* I lied on the bed, feeling drained and exhausted.. I didn't even want to talk to Sun. I sat in the pitch black room, my red eyes glowing in the dark.

*Suns POV* I looked down at the floor.. Moon's eyes. They looked different, something is seriously wrong. My thoughts were cut off by Vanessa coming in the room excited. "Someone is here to help you! They may seem a little scary.. But they are super friendly! " For some reason Vanessa's words reminded me of when I met Moon. "Oh? " * tilted my head to the side. "They'll come out when they're ready. " She told me. "I would suggest telling Moon. " Vanessa said with a smile. "I don't think he wants to talk right now.. " I told her with a frown. "Well, tell him later! " She waved goodbye, leaving me alone. I couldn't help but wonder who this new 'friend' was. Are they a robot? A human? I'm rather excited to say the least.

**Time skip** I decided it was time to talk to Moon. I knocked on the door happily, my spikes whirling. No response. "Moony! Can I come in? " I asked, he still didn't respond, but I heard him groan. "O-Kay, well when you're ready, come out! There's some special news! " I went back down into the ballpit.  I was cut off by the lights going out. I perked up, I think Moon finally decided to come out. "MOONY! " I exclaimed, looking up at the balcony but nobody was there. I paused, my spikes going down. "oh.. Power outage. " I muttered. What is Moon's problem? I heard footsteps, but Vanessa would say something , and Moon is grumpy. My blood went cold as the footsteps got louder. They were coming towards me!

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