Silver x reader Valentine's day special

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Silver: Y-Y/n I have been t-thinking about you a lot lately- No! Why can't I get it right without sounding like such a nervous wreck!

Silver has been pacing around his room because he was going to ask his long time friend Y/n the hedgehog out on a date and Since it's Valentine's day tomorrow he thought it would be a good Idea to finally admit his feelings. Blaze was had come to visit earlier and was sitting on his bed watching him. 

Blaze: I don't know why your worried Silver.

Silver: Its just- She's the prettiest girl I have ever met but What if she rejects me! or even worse.. friend zone me. 

Blaze: Try saying how you really feel, the only catch is to be yourself. imagine I'm Y/n.

Silver: okay?

Blaze: Now tell me how you really feel.

Silver:... I love you. 

Blaze: Okay breaking character, Silver that can't be all.

Silver: Even if your not her, imagining you are just makes it harder for me to say it. 

Blaze: Well I have a solution for that. Here's What to do. First you-

At the park.

Y/n: What's up slowpoke, took you long enough. 

Silver: I'm not that slow! 

Y/n: Your saying that to the current fastest thing alive? Anyway, why did you ask me to meet you here? If it's about being a hero like my greatgramps them no. Also what's that behind you? 

Silver took a deep breath and looked her straight in her eyes. 

Silver: Y/n, I have been wanting to tell you this for the longest time.I-I-

Y/n: What is it? Spit it out Silver boy. 

Silver: I love you, I have loved you since the day we met and I can't stop thinking about you! My heart aches and pains just think about you being with someone else. Please,[brings out flowers and a box of chocolates from hind his back] Will you be my girlfriend and Valentine? 

Y/n blushed slightly at silver's little confession. She took the flowers and smacked her lips onto his causing him to blush like crazy. 

Y/n: Of course you innocent dummy! Damn I didn't think you would have the balls to do such a thing. Thank you for the gifts and to completely answer your question, I love you too and of course I'll be both your girlfriend and your Valentine. 

Silver blushed and looked her in the eyes. 

Y/n: I love you.

Silver: I love you too

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