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A/N I know you may wonder why do I put sayings at times that has nothing to do with the chapter. At times,  it's food for thought.

Lisa we weren't expecting you to make dinner

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Lisa we weren't expecting you to make dinner. I know but it helps relax me at times. Plus I wanted to do something nice. I separated the fried chicken and labeled them. Some are hot and spicy while others are mild or just without chili.  Wow, you went all out partner.  Thanks Jason.  Besides various fried chicken,  I made mashed potatoes with gravy from scratch  with corn on the cob you had marked for a special dinner. Jane it was your writing.  I will replace it. Don't worry. I bought enough as you see.  I used it all. You are family to me and it's special.  God gave me another chance to live a better life. Olivia I went by Candace's  menu recommendations.  She and Avery are coming over for dinner too. We won't have enough room in the dining room but what is new.

Every laughed and we stopped when Yilena opened the door for Avery and Candace.  Come in.

Good evening everyone.  Candace and I brought cheese cake from the cheese cake factory.  We have chocolate and regular.  Ah thanks,  Maura and I  appreciate it. Everyone thank you for always supporting me , being good friends and keeping me safe.  God thank you for giving me another chance.  Amen. Babe I  will serve you. You don't need the tubes in you anymore, since your done but please still be careful.  Just because you have three good looking doctors here doesn't mean you slouch off. After you eat, it's back to bed. Yes doc.

We all served ourselves except for Jane. My auntie Maura served Jane. We had beer alcohol free or the premium lager from Beth's company or ice tea that Julian made when we he was preparing everything for.  Lunch. When it came for dessert. I cut my wife a piece of chocolate cheese came and I had the other one.

Goodnight,  as I promised. I will be there in a few to exam you and change your bandage. Thanks Candace. I brought my medical bag.

Maura helped me up. I feel better but still weak from the surgery.  She helped me to the restroom. I used the restroom, wash and dried my hands. Maura helped me into our sleep number bed. She had the head raised for now. My daughter called to see how I was doing and informed me Dorothy wasn't going to let what happened to scare us to move. I was so happy to hear that. She said Dorothy is aware like she was that Maura and I are keeping something from them but knows it has to be big because she stated to her wife we only die this a few times when Avery,  Olivia. Gloria and Izzy lived with us and later when Gloria married our aunt Kiki. I told her to n please thank Dorothy. We said we loves another and than we ended the call. My wife got the jist of the conversation when I  started to cry. Of course, this is when Candace walks in. I tell her about the conversation as us happy for us. She has me breath a few times.  The stethoscope is always cold at first. She took the rest of my vitals and changed my bandage  and threw her gloves and dirty supplies away. She updated my file on line than washed up.

Jane as usual no sex. I know we did early but were careful in the shower. I don't want you  stop even if your careful. Maura you should know better. Your vitals and your incision looks good , continue taking your prescribed medications. What you currently take won't interfere. Are you still taking you anxiety medication? No.
Candace documented it in my file online . Please continue to use lysol or Microban. I will Candace. If anything,  changes call me. If necessary,  call 911 and go back to Mercy. 

We thanked her and she left. I sprayed the bedroom and bathroom after I used it . Jane took her medicine and everything else she takes.

Olivia everything looks good. I noted everything online in her file. I told them both no sex even if they are careful and told Maura she knew better. They are to continue to use lysol or Microban. I know they merry maid come in to clean. I don't want anyone else in the room. I will have you tell them. The less people who come in here the better. I will have my aunts cancel them while she is home until you say differently. Julian it's good to see you as always. Thanks Candace. Your welcome. I am guessing your not coming back to work? Not for several days. I want her incisions to heal. I don't want to be exposed to others and risk exposing my aunts. I won't be back anymore either.

We said goodbye. Avery and I left. My wife walked us out and kissed us both. She then went back inside. Jason and Julian were doing the dishes. My auntie Maura text me back informing me she canceled Julie and her employees from cleaning until  further notice. Lisa turned the alarm on.

Julian and I are going to go to bed.

The three of us told them goodnight.

I am going to sleep too after I speak with Beth. Okay!

We said goodnight.

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