3. thoughts

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I stared at the car hood, with a towel covering it, food placed ontop to indicate an area for picnicking. I looked up and smiled at mike.
I woke up lifting my head off of mike's shoulder, must have fallen asleep. but weird since im pretty sure it's only been,

"hey mike what time is it?" he turned to me,

"you're awake, finally my ass hurts from sitting down. anyways it's six pm."

two hours, must not been getting enough sleep, I've never dreamt this many times in a day.

"why? have another kooky dream?", he questioned waiting for my reply. I just shook my head and said genuinely.

"no it's a really stupid dream, like we were eating on the car hood. but the dream was awfully short like that was the end"

he laughed at my reply and nudged my shoulder with his own, "well do you think they're actually telling the future?"

i frowned at him before continuing this ridiculous train of responses and replies, "oh my god you must think I'm going crazy"

i watched as his eyes widened and he instantly shook his head rapidly before quickly saying- more like yelling out loud,

"but i mean if you're going crazy, then im going crazy with you. crazy together right?"

maybe he let butterflies into my stomach because that was possibly the biggest drop I've ever felt. you know i could look at him for 1,2,3 and to trillions of seconds at a time, because reality is finally better, because of him.

he's staring back at me but i don't want to say anything. it's a simple phrase, a simple action but it's all it took to set my heart aflame.

he's my best friend, were nothing more then friends but yet i can't seem to stop thinking about him this way every single day.

"you good there?"

I blankly nodded before fully clocking into my surroundings, I put on another blurred smiled before nodding my head. "yeah im fine, better even," i spotted a plastic bag from behind mikes, back. curiosity piqued as i tilted backwards to get a better view of it, but ultimately blocked again.

"what's that?" i questioned, attempting to grab the plastic bag , but once again blocked. i don't even know what i was expecting to happen.

"when you knocked out for like two hours i was hungry so I ordered food then you woke up and I couldn't eat it because it would be awkward,"

"so its cold?" i questioned as he stared at me with an awfully weird smile. "very much, well i got you your gross chili burger you damn weirdo"

"hold on did you remember,"

"yes i remembered to get rid of the tomatoes, onions and cheese you monster."


"you know when I die I kind of like want to be buried and there's a bunch of dasies everywhere, is that weird?", I look to him with his out of the blue comment.

"woah what's with the death talk?", I replied putting my food down on the towel we used as a 'picnic blanket'. I looked back up and smiled at mike in a weird manner.

"nothing just thinking, there's so many daisies around and they're so pretty"

I laughed at his reply, how out of character. very out of character, actually. it doesn't help but remind me of that first dream today.

I mean really I would be lying to myself if I said these dreams didn't act out the exact events of today. it's bizarre, and even so mike isn't going to die.

he isnt, and if he was I would do anything to stop it.

"that's a nice thought," I removed myself from my own thoughts and continued on with the conversation, still not being able to help but think about if my dreams really were all true.

and why hasn't anything happened to mike yet. but it may be some coincidence. god I really am going insane.

but either way I continued out conversation on complete auto pilot, generic responses that I could manage. it's just something about this that doesn't seem right with me.

well it's getting late.

the sky beams off a orange-ish look at both of us, i want to ask if we could start the car but in actuality i would much rather be here.

much rather then go home and do nothing.

much rather sit here on the uncomfortable hood of a car, much rather sit here with the setting sun.

"i would much rather sit here with you"

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