5. a day

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31/5/22, tuesday,

well for the past few days i think the dreams are becoming more vivid, more like a reality. today i only dreamt once, maybe because i slept only once today.

sometimes the dreams are barely grasping on my daily life, and ive noticed i only dream of certain things that dont come true within the day when im with that person. well so far its only been mike.

its been less than a week since i had that weird dream of mike, the same thing but possibly more detailed??  well its not necessarily impossible for me to describe but its strange. 

the first time it was as if  he wasnt breathing, his curly hair and him somewhere. somewhere i recognise but every time i start to think of where my head gets foggy.to the point where i cant say i recognise the place, its just a sense of deja vu now. 

as i said one again i found myself standing in a location looking down at him on the floor. his face was ashen and i wish I could say his breathing was shallow but it just wasn't present. I could feel the panic rising in my chest, but yet i couldn't move.

My heart was pounding as I took in the scene.Everything felt heavy and dark, and I had this sense of impending doom that made me want to scream.

The silence was deafening.

It wasn't until I woke up,that everything suddenly felt ridiculous.

im going to see mike today, it definitely has something to do with that.


i closed the book and exhaled slowly, feeling a sense of calm wash over me.

I reached up to run my fingers through my hair, smoothing down any stray strands and adjusting the part to make it look just right.

after a few quick touches, I stepped back to assess the results. The reflection staring back at me was a familiar one, but something about it felt off. maybe it was the dark circles under my eyes or the way my shoulders slumped slightly.

I sighed and shook my head, trying to shake off the feeling of unease.

as I walked out the door, the sun was shining bright, and the cool breeze was refreshing against my skin.

I couldn't wait to see my friends. we had all been so busy lately, and it had been a while since we all hung out together. I missed their laughter and their stupid stories.


as I settled down in my seat, I noticed the aroma of food from the nearby trucks. the enticing smell of hot dogs, tacos and burgers made my stomach grumble. lucas and mike greeted me with a wave and a smile, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such great friends.

I asked lucas about his girlfriend, max, and he reassured me that she would be joining us soon.

"im going to get drinks, but you guys have to pay me back," mike groaned while standing up from his seat.

i couldn't help but find his grumpiness a bit endearing, and the fact he already knew what we all wanted to get.

also the fact that i myself couldn't resist letting out a chuckle at his grumpy tone.

he turned to me with a playful glare, but the corners of his mouth quirked up into a small smile. a feeling was brought up in my chest at that moment, one i was all too familiar with.

as i laughed, i watched mikes eyes flick up to meet my own. i held my breath for a moment, unsure of what to say, before mikes playful grin broke the spell.

"you're not laughing at me, are you?" mike teased, giving me an idiotic look .

yet i couldn't help but grin back, i shook my head. "no, no, of course not, im too nice of a person i would never," but as i said that, i felt that warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through my body once again.

i watch him give me one last look, before hobbling off to one of the milkshake stands.

and laugh again when he slumped his shoulders at the look of
the line of people queing.

i knew he was going to be there for a while, i took this as a perfect opportunity to suck up and tell lucas about everything.

It was a sunny day, but my mind was still preoccupied with the strange dreams I had been having.

and just having that small weird flirty teasing but not really interaction with mike just reminded me of the dreaded feeling.

"lucas, can I tell you something?" I finally said, looking up at him.

"of course, man. What's up?" he replied, tilting his head curiously.

"I've been having these weird dreams lately... and in them, I can see the future," I explained, my voice barely above a whisper.

lucas raised an eyebrow in surprise, though im almost certain it's disbelief. "and what do you mean by see the future ?"

"I mean, I see things that haven't happened yet. like when i went out with mike like less than a week ago," I continued, my eyes wide with wonder.

lucas listened intently, his expression shifting between disbelief and fascination.  "have you told anyone else about this?"

"i told mike, but it was a really weird dream, he said he believed me but if i told myself that i wouldn't believe me too" I admitted, feeling relieved to finally have someone to confide in.

"well, I believe you, man. I mean, we've been friends for years and I know you wouldn't make something like this up," lucas reassured me.

I smiled gratefully, "thanks, like a lot I would be dead at sea if it wasn't for you"

"anytime, you know im always here for you," he replied with a grin.

we were suddenly interrupted by max's sudden appearance. she snuck up behind Lucas and gave him a playful kiss on the cheek.

"hey guys, what's going on?" she asked, grinning from ear to ear.

still as energetic as always.

I blushed at her sudden display of affection towards lucas, but quickly composed myself.

and later felt it was only right to tell her. she was maybe one of the best people i have ever interacted with.

filling her in on everything only felt right.

she raised her eyebrows in surprise. "that's pretty crazy. have you ever tried writing them down or anything?"

I nodded my head. "i have, but i only started getting these dreams like late last week. so not much of a use"

"well, enough deep conversation for one day. let's go get some food!" max enthusiastically said.

i laughed at her constant hunger before replying,"well mikes already getting the four of us drinks so,".

"dang it mikes getting probably getting that stupid bubble gum milkshake"

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