《Zetya》The Assassin's Scars

30 7 2

Reviewer: Zeyta ztafiqs
Client: Mariya_Evans
Book Title: The Assassin's Scars
Public or Private: Public
[PS: Reviewed till Chapter 10]

Cover: 4/5
The edit is good and the elements are quite defined, especially the font, but something about the color scheme doesn't give it an exquisite touch.

Title: 4/5
Not very sure if the title is appropriate but it sure is enticing and attractive.

Blurb: 3/5
The content is excellent, however, the presentation is really bland. Change paragraphs, make spaces, use symbols and fonts to make it pretty.

Plot: 4/5
It's really interesting and keeps the reader hooked. Plus, the writing style is so compatible that it makes it an even better reading experience, however some things are a little common, for example, the overall theme.

Execution of the plot: 5/5
Outstanding! It can't be any better.

The idea of the story: 5/5
I really like the overall theme and idea of the story. It's really nice to read.

Originality: 4/5
The story isn't very new and there are quite similar stories out there, but your own twists and plots made it a better experience.

Writing Style: 5/5
It's beautiful! I especially like this narrative. You've done a great job here, making sure the reader is hooked till the very end.

Grammar & Vocabulary: 10/10
The grammar is fine and the vocabulary is wide and great! You've used the words beautifully and at right places which made the book a quality read.

Presentation: 3/5
So the textual presentation is beautiful as it can be, but perhaps using bold, italics and dividers when needed could enhance it. The visuals aren't great. You need to have visuals so pleasing to eye so that audience wants to give the book a try. However, the visuals look a little... boring? The color scheme gives off old vibes, try going for fantastic vibes and maybe use some rich colors.

Flow & Pace: 5/5
The flow and pace both are well enough. Nothing wrong with it. They were finely maintained throughout.

Structure: 5/5
Flwaless. Perfect. I must say, the most difficult part is beginning the book. And the way the story kicked off was so amazing. I could completely imagine the characters and even their voices! I was immersed in the story. The plots and characters come right in time.

Literary Skills: 10/10
Absolutely perfect. I loved the way you worded every little thing in the most beautiful way.

Characters: 5/5
They are amazing! No matter they are positive or negative, they are superb! They are beautifully carved into life and even their first appearance is amazingly written.

Emotions & Development: 9/10
It was wonderful. I was immensed into the story everytime I read it. However there still is a little scope of improvement, since at some places the emotions are quite confusing.

Reader's Enjoyment: 5/5
It's a must read! I loved this book so much. The genre is my favorite and and the way everything was executed was great.

Impression: 4/5
The first impression from the cover and blurb wasn't that great, but as I started into the story,  I was completely awestruck by the beautiful way of your writing.

Total: 90/100

Strengths and Weakness: The strengths is the writing style and the characters and the weakness would be the visual presentation.

Final Note: I couldn't read all of the book, but however much I read, it was enticing and amazing, and I'm sure further it's even better. With your writing experience, this book is a masterpiece. Good luck for further books! I hope that my review helped. Thank you!

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