Who Needs Red Roses?

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Around their second year dating anniversary, Troye's love for Connor was getting too much for him to handle. When he looked at him, no matter where or when or through what screen, his heart kept wanting to supernova. It yearned to turn into a black hole, creating a fifth dimension in order to house his ever growing passion. He knew he wouldn't last, not until his head was void of the potentiality of loss. So he decided he wanted to make the grand promise to hold him forever. He was certain of this; he was going to ask Connor to marry him.

He planned it all out, writing it in vague jot-notes on his wrist, so he wouldn't forget. Three days before their anniversary, July 21st, he'd rally Grace, Mamrie and Hannah to go ring shopping with him. Was he being sexist thinking that girls knew about that stuff? The three had said to the couple, several times before, that they'd slap them silly if they weren't involved in the proposal planning when it came around, so he didn't worry about it. The next part of his plan would have to wait until the actual day of their anniversary. Connor was visiting his family in Minnesota, and wouldn't be back until the morning of. So, as soon as they got home from the airport, he would tell Connor to get dressed up, take him to dinner and then to their favorite, secluded strip of beach in the evening. It was to be beautifully cliché, a proposal in the foreground to the California sunset. He would evolve their bond; brighten their already blinding love. It was going to be perfect and, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Most would say that this is a good thing, the excitement but, for Troye, it was sort of distracting. One morning his alarm went off at five am. He checked his phone, and two things caught him off guard: the screen read July 21st, and there was text from Connor:

Plane just started taxiing now...I'm officially home!! Can't wait to see your gorgeous face xxo

What had he done? In a panic, Troye scrambled frantically out of bed. He had to get to the airport quick in order to pick up Connor on time and, though he wanted to seem perfectly open and happy, he couldn't shake the nasty feeling in his chest. He looked at his wrist; the plan, it'd all washed off, and he'd forgotten what he had had to do. One of the most important milestones in his life, and he'd forgotten to go through with it. He knew he was an absentminded person sometimes, but never in a million years would he expect to forget about something that he never ceased to think about. It was a perfect paradox.

He tried to stop thinking about it. What's done is done, he thought, I can always do it later. I'll make a new plan. He'll still be here, he'll still be mine. He's still everything. That fact became ever-more entrancing when, as soon as he reached the arrivals gate, Connor rushed to him. "Hello there, Mr. Late. You slept in again, didn't you?" He said with a teasing carelessness, "You're such a sleepyhead. It's adorable." Then he pushed his lips seamlessly into Troye's without awareness of the mass of public.

The sadness Troye had been feeling slipped away completely. "Sorry I'm late, my lovely, did you wait long?"

"Nah, only a couple minutes. I'm just glad to see you now. You'd think two weeks would be easy after being apart for months at a time, but I still missed you like hell."

"I missed you too." Troye smiled, pecking him lightly on the lips. "Happy anniversary, Connor."

Connor beamed. "Oh yeah, happy anniversary!" He laughed, sliding his hand into Troye's as they left the airport and began moving through the parking lot. "Man, two years, huh? It's kind of weird how time goes by."

"Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I mean, I find it hard to imagine that you were just some cute stranger one minute, and the love of my life the next." Troye admitted, leaning over to kiss Connor's temple. "I wouldn't trade these two years for anything in the universe, you know that right?"

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